The Film Thread

Did you carry your medical records round with you?

Enjoyed Baz Luhrmans Romeo + Juliet, The Great Gatsby and Australia so i am sure this one won’t disappoint.


Watched a documentary yesterday - You Are Here: A Come From Away Story

not a huge fan of his work but can see the appeal in R+J and MR…but the movie Australia…one the all time worst movies in the history of bad movies…an absolute disgrace of a movie and you should be sent to the naughty corner and made to write out the times tables 1000 times for even suggesting it was enjoyable …shame on you…

I loved that Baz Luhrmann song Sunscreen.


Finally got round to watching Don’t Look Up, really liked it. Some of the scenes were spot on…


I still laugh maybe about once a week at the scene after the first Good Morning America appearance. the literal end of the world was trumped by the pop culture Ariana Grande news, and kid’s phone responded by automatically downloading a song without asking his permission.


I still do love it. :+1::nerd_face:

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Naomi Watts is good but man I got tired of watching her 20mins into The Desperate Hour.

It basically is her running in the woods for 90mins to get to her sons school to see if he made it out unharmed.

Nothing really else to giveaway.

Off sick today so thought I would try the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

For anyone who’s been considering it, I can safely say it is utter shit.

EDIT also watched No Exit on Disney+ which was much better, but not the best thing ever. Tense thriller if you like that sort of thing.


Last Night in Soho. Something different. Good movie, interesting story well acted, and a brilliant soundtrack.

Nightmare Alley. 2.5 hours of nothing. My Christ it was dire. A pure snoozefest.

Scream. So disappointing. Nothing original and adds nothing to the story. Felt this was an opportunity to take this movie franchise and take it somewhere different. But they played it safe.

Spiderman: No Way Home. Didn’t match the hype for me. Thor Ragnorok is still the best Marvel movie for me.

Really? That is a massive disappointment. I’ve got a free nigh tomorrow so had been planning on watching that with a good bottle of wine. Maybe I’ll get bad wine and get pissed in front of Cobra Kai

That was the take of myself and my better half. It looks great, has a really good cast who do a good job but the story was boring as fuck.

It meandered along for a couple of hours, picked up a bit of pace at the (fairly predictable) end, then wham. It’s over.

Last Night in Soho is worth a couple of hours of your time, if for the soundtrack alone.

Just was this, agree completely. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.

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And then continue in middle age as if nothing has changed, just a bit slower, with lengthy recovery periods and naps.

In fairness my naps might be slightly alcohol induced ;). Last week’s movie with jnr was Highlander, what a film. This week? Amadeus :slight_smile:


Is that right? A’m a Scouser!

Nicked and paraphrased from The Young Ones.



What did you settle for?

Marauders. One of the worst films Ive ever seen.