Personally, I would have loved to have seen Idris Elba but think he missed the slot a couple of films ago before Craig agreed the extention. He may be a bit too old now sadly.
Of the rest, all are ok options, none really jump out as being standout compared to the rest
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My daughter would love Henry Golding in the role, and after seeing him in Persuasion, I could be persuaded that he would be okay. I’d like to see John Boyega or Tom Hiddleston out of this list.
I’ll just be glad when Daniel Craig has gone. I like him in some other things, but he’s never been Bond for me.
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Nostalgia and Arnie one-liners aside, Prey is probably a better film than Predator and streets ahead of all the other sequels.
A few interesting choices in there. Dwayne Johnson feels like the daftest option though. Even a fish with a mullet would be better than him.
Cillian Murphy could be a fascinating change in direction. Completely different to Craig’s model.
From that list I’d pick Tom Hiddleston.
Why are Dwayne and Dev Patel on that list lol.
For me personally, I’d love to see Jamie Bell get it.
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I (unfortunately) chose to bump into the last star wars movie and feel suitably ashamed for letting myself fall into the trap wanting to watch something mind-less / mind-numbing… - it was both and it was awful…
Watched the newest Scream franchise on Paramount+ (first time I’ve ever watched anything on there)
Maybe 1 surprise death you don’t see coming…otherwise nothing really new to see here that divides it from the others.
Rewatched an old favorite, Hotel Rwanda.
Its appalling what happened to the people during the genocide. But similar to The Schindler’s List, movies like these give a reminder of humanity’s grim history. Makes you value your life even more today.
Completely forgotten about some of these…
Although they are not the 30 films in my preference
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I’ve seen 17 of them but agree, wouldn’t be my personal 30 (with the obvious caveat that I can’t speak to 13 of them).
I’ve seen all but 2. There are some good films in there and some pretty mediocre ones, but I’m confused as to what the list is supposed to represent or what the unifying theme was for making them a “must watch”. It feels far more like a response from some rando to the question “name me 30 films you quite liked”.
Titanic is a great example. I appreciate how commercially successful it was and how much a segment of the population loved it, but a big part of the hype about the film was the Cameronesque scope of it. It was at the time the most expensive film ever made and people wanted to go and watch it because they wanted to see what a film that expensive looked like. But it’s 25 years old now. What looked impressive them simply doesn’t anymore, and without that there isnt much else about the film to write home about. I’d imagine that most 20 something year old women watching it for the first time today would find it pretty unremarkable.
City of god, great movie
Very surprised Pacific Rim wasnt in there!
That list is more remarkable for the films not on it than the ones it has included.
And Holy Grail not The Life of Brian???
Titanic? Seriously?
I saw some of my favorites in the list so I’m willing to try some of those I haven’t see.
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The trouble with all such lists is that they are totally subjective.
Weirdly I saw this yesterday on the spam feed at work.
It’s a very weird list.
Coming to America is great, and maybe on a list of must watch comedies, but should be nowhere near a top 30 covering all films.
I’ve seen 16 of them, most of which wouldn’t be in my own personal ‘top 30’ .