I admit I need to watch it again as Costner comes out smelling of roses and a hero but he still gave up his second picks for 3 years and I still dont think the coach got the player he needed.
But yeah, your summary isn’t far off the mark.
I admit I need to watch it again as Costner comes out smelling of roses and a hero but he still gave up his second picks for 3 years and I still dont think the coach got the player he needed.
But yeah, your summary isn’t far off the mark.
A friend of mine works in sports data analytics and viewed it as a direct shot at its growing influence in sports decision making. The “hero” was an old school who used his gut to make his own decisions and won the day. “Take that, laptop nerds.” That seems like a fairly decent take on it
Day Shift on Netflix.
Muck. Absolute shite
If memory serves me correct, didn’t the coach want the RB who is the son of their former legend?
And wasn’t he also able to get those 2nd picks back for allowing the Seahawks to get the QB that was No1. propect when other teams all started to avoid him?
Watched it a few years back and I found it enjoyable enough to not get bored and turn it off halfway through.
If I actually ever got around to compiling a list of films/tv series that I got bored of and never finished I bet you lot would be absolutely mortified.
So I went and looked it up to make sure I remembered right - I got it a bit wrong but mostly correct.
On draft day the GM decides to trade up to the Number 1 pick from Number 7 for a supposedly generational QB. Cleveland though didn’t really need a QB and they had spent most of the spring scouting a linebacker and a local running back - expecting to get the linebacker at 7 and the running back in the 2nd or 3rd round. The analytics says the best player in the draft is the QB. However, the QB has not been scouted at all because the Browns figured they had no shot at him and didn’t need a QB anyway. So, without consulting his team, the Browns GM gets cold-feet on draft day and sends three first round picks to Seattle to move up to number 1.
After getting to the number 1 pick, the Browns then have a conversation with the QB and it becomes clear he is a bad fit. Doesn’t want to play for Cleveland, acts like he is God’s gift to football etc. So the GM decides to draft the linebacker, who Cleveland expected to get at 7, at number 1 overall. Then the draft proceeds until it gets the Jags at 6. For some strange reason the QB is still on the board and Seattle have the 7th pick. The GM calls the Jags and their rookie GM says he is overwhelmed and has no idea who to pick (which is laughable since he has a team of scouts telling him what to do) and so he folds easily when he is offered two 2nd round picks for the 6th overall selection. Now back at number 6, the Browns GM calls Seattle and tells them he is going to pick the QB unless they give him back all the first round picks he just gave them.
Seattle, who earlier that same day allowed their shot at the QB to go past them in order to pick up 3 first round picks in future seasons (basically saying the picks were more important to them) fail to see through the bluff. Cleveland had literally just passed on the QB with the number 1 pick in order to reach for a linebacker, so the chances of them actually having an interest in the QB seems remote. Seattle however fall for it and trade back all three first round picks to take the QB at 6. The Browns now at 7 then reach again by taking the local running back with the 7th pick - a player they originally earmarked for the 2nd or 3rd round.
So to summarise the Browns went 7 > 1 (for 3 first round picks), 2nd round > 6 (for 2 second round picks), 6 > 7 (getting back three first round picks) and took a mid-first round linebacker and a mid-round running back in the top 10.
The film paints this as a great success for Costner’s character, and in fairness he did do well to salvage the situation after a bone-headed trade into the number 1 position. In real life he would have no shot of getting back to the number 6 pick however and even if he did he would have no chance of convincing the Seahawks he was about to take their QB. Finally the two players he ended up picking were picked way too high.
I actually like the movie but yeah the drafting itself is just not realistic at all.
Probably the most realistic aspect of it was this move was made under pressure from the owner who hires an entire team to manage player acquisition and then billy big bollocks his way into the discussion forcing the GM to “make a splash” and over ruling his boring LB pick.
Cant remember the last time I saw Neeson die in a film before. Mexican fbi dude is wasted in this and the Indian lady fbi is next to useless.
Ending was shit.
ended badly for him in the star wars franchise
Some more titles to add to the previous 30…
Never done it myself but even if I wrote 100 good films down in a list…
I’m sure to remember other titles that would increase the number even more…
It is just an impossible task eh
So what I have taken from all of this is not to say you’ve watched a film about American sports. Especially one with plot holes.
Wouldn’t know, don’t watch that crap.
A bit late to the party, but a couple movies my 16ish-20ish year old self really enjoyed that i watched multiple times that i didn’t see on the lists-most already listed so this is small add on to above lists- (or missed them because there were a lot): The Usual Suspects, LA Confidential, True Romance, and of course, the greatest movie ever made, Dumb and Dumber (kidding…kind of - i was like 15 and saw it in theater with friends without knowing what i was walking into… it was amazing)
Not sure i saw There Will be Blood on the lists either, i really enjoyed that, but haven’t been able to rewatch after first viewing, and doesn’t fit my 16 yr old self list.
From time to time i may act like it
… but just hit 40. I’ve no idea how well those movies hold up now, probably not all that well. Usual Suspects still probably good if somehow in the age of internet you don’t know what’s coming. I enjoyed them in the 90s though.
Usual Suspects = Classic
True Romance = Classic
LA Confidential = Classic
.plus rewatched American Beauty recently (Al time favourite)
Top notch brilliant films
Nothing wrong with watching again and again
True Romance is worth it for