The Film Thread

I really really really wanted this to be good. I knew the chances were very slim, especially after the second and third movies.

It was however, without mincing words, pure shite.

I was so confused for a bit there, because I was thinking to myself “there is no way I would have claimed that Frasier was a brilliant show.”

Turns out I was confused but for a different reason :grinning:

Sorry, missed this. Frasier is the second best US comedy show behind MASH IMHO. The dynamic between the brothers and Martin with Daph thrown in for good measure was outstanding. And Ross, the most excellent Ross. Nightmare Inn is almost the greatest 30 mins of entertainment in history.

I agree on Mash, disagree on Frasier. I thought Cheers was a much better show.

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Agreed. Would take Rosanne above Frasier too.

Sorry I found Roseanne Barr annoying then, and she’s still annoying now.


Sad Jim Carrey GIF

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Someone who goes through 15 minutes of analysis without any consideration of Gamergate and its effects is not exactly a clear eyed participant in the discourse.

Ghostbusters (the remake) was by all accounts a terrible movie, but that doesnt preclude there genuinely having been a massive backlash to it even prior to its release (negating the issue being the quality of the film) from a gamergate adjacent community of proto-incels. Prior to its release, the official trailer was at that time the most disliked video in the history of youtube. That cannot be about it being a bad film.


How did I know from the title alone that this was going to be a Critical Drinker video? :joy:


I hate the travesty that Amazon has come up with. Rings of fucking Shyte would be a more apt title. Fuck all to do with black elves, Hobbits and dwarves. They could be red, brown or fucking purple for all I care. The fucking production is shit. I have all of the LOTR, Silmarillion, Book of Lost Tales etc and I’ve read them all over again about a hundred times and pored over the Tale of the Years at the end of The Return of the King endlessly and cross referenced them coz, well, it’s builds up the picture across the ages of Middle Earth and it reads like a history rather than a fantasy which is what I imagine Tolkien also wanting to achieve by making it so detailed.

So I can understand poetic license but they’ve taken characters, a setting and a basic premise to create their own fucking world with their own fucking time-line not to mention the fact that they’ve ignored the basic premise of Elves, humans, dwarves and all the other inhabitants of their failed Middle Earth. I do have an issue with the casting as most of the Elves in the show, especially our Master (to be) Elrond look like they’ve been knocked by a bus twice. Galadriel was said to be the tallest of Elf woman and basically the female version of Feanor himself but whom Tolkien gave almost no real importance to except in the third age in LOTR and even then she was more of an idea and benefactor from afar than a scene by scene character yet here she is, a slip of a girl as one of the main protagonists playacting as a warrior in an age she has no right to be in. Don’t get me started on the time line as Numenor has already fallen under the Shadow with Pharazon, Elendil and Isuldur popping up, which is just before the destruction of Numenor, while Sauron and the Rings have yet to make an appearance. It’s thousands of years apart ffs.

At least get the basics right and be true to the creator of what you’re making millions on. Calling a place and characters by the names they have in the books is not getting the basics right. It’s fucking shyte. Fucking ridiculously shyte.

Rant over.


what she said yes GIF by

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I’m liking the Rings of Power show. I was disappointed to find out they were releasing one episode a week rather than two…

Baddie GIF by Giphy QA


On the subject of vacuous drivel, I’ve just got back from the pub and decided to put on True Lies.

If anyone can think of anything to beat that for sheer “turn off your brain and enjoy” value, I’d love to hear your recommendations.


Watched Tenet last night. Didn’t like it.

The concept was very interesting, but it promised so much, and delivered so little.

What pissed me off most was the poor audio. I watched it in the cinema, and I assumed the sound quality was shit because of the venue, I was suprised to read reviews afterwards saying that it was intended to be like that. What’s up with that Mr Nolan?

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Thor Love and Thunder. Absolute garbage.

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