I have. It was a nice looking film and the acting was okay, but the actual plot was a lot of crap, and the whole poker thing really is inconsequential to anything.
Disappointing to hear, wish I hadn’t asked now.
Was hoping it’d be something close to Casino Royale or Molly’s Game being 2 of my favourites the last 15 years.
Did you watch on Sky Cinema?
Yes. I wouldn’t normally have bothered, but I’m doing a test to see how many new movies I can watch this year if I make an effort. Normally I would only watch around 25 to 30 new movies, but I’m currently on 108
You’re right, the plot was absurd…no idea what even led him to “poisoning” their drink, surely the thought of losing out on 5mill each was enough to get them to sweating
What about The Batman, you caught that 1 yet?
No, didn’t get round to it this weekend, but probably watch it later this week.
Man Hotel Mumbai was a tough watch, didnt think they’d show the graphics to that scale. Stomach almost gave up.
RIP to those that lost their lives that tragic day.
well, since winged about a 80yr old Indian Jones…what happened to Shia Lebeouf aka Jones Jr
Lebeouf went through a tough period after the series of Transformers shot him to fame including depression, alcoholism and having to fight off various allegations of abuse that were directed towards him.
But in spite of that he’s show cased what a talented actor he is and has filmed some brilliant, lesser known films such as Man Down and Peanut Butter Falcon…although I don’t know the story behind it but he famously found his way into the music video of Sia’s Elastic Heart.
It’s a shame for him we’ll never see him in anything big again but sometimes life doesn’t pan out the way we’d hope.
bloody shame, because I thought his work was pretty good for a young actor
maybe Megan Fox shot him down? I can see how that’d be hard on a man
Not if you saw how she looked these days. Almost gone full on Courtney Cox.
damage already done LOL!!!
I remember years back when a mate in work tried to get me to go a blind date with one of his wife’s mates. He kept pestering me for a couple of months because his wife kept pestering him - apparently, she put him on rations until he achieved his mission.!!
Anyway, he continued with his badgering until this particular day he uttered the words I can still remember until this very day… "but why won’t ya take her out he says… I’ve seen her and she looks like Pamela Anderson…!" Well what red-blooded man wouldn’t pick up on that little snippet eh.! So, I agreed to this blind date, the time and day was sorted for the following weekend, and her address was handed to me so I can collect her…
Walking down her path, bit apprehensive as you would be, dry mouth, final ruffle of my hair and pressed the bell…
She opens the door very slowly, very coyly and there she stood… only not the Pamela Anderson he led me to believe, but she looked more like Clive Anderson.! One of the worst nights of my life :0)
A lot of it comes from his desire to be seen as a serious artist while being famous for disposable work that no one took seriously (Disney then Transformers). Similar in concept to what Radcliff did after the Potter films finished even if different in execution, in that Radcliff seemed to focus on taking weird roles in interesting projects and LeBeouf just went weird in all aspects of his life. Rather than coming to be seen as a serious artist suffering for his craft he was seen as a prick. Small margins I guess.
Bet you still did though!
Did the chase scene need to be that long? It felt as though it dragged on. About 2 hours too long I’d say….didnt stop me shedding few tears at the end.
Think Mike Flanagan fans will enjoy this.
Film Critics are just not the same since Barry Norman
Actually forgot I recorded Bad Boys for Life few months back and gave it a go, not bad but obviously not as good as the original.
What gives people the urge to carry on or recreate these films like Bad Boys, Matrix and Coming 2 America almost 2 decades later, leave it be as the great sequels/trilogies they were and not damage the reputation that’s set in stone.
& they’re going to bring a 4th one out by 2025.