The Hunt for Klopp’s Successor

Frustrated Miracle On 34Th Street GIF by filmeditor


A big NO to Simeone


Bollocks. You are as superstitious as it gets - the etymology of the word “superstitious” literally means getting on top of someone’s tits (I kid you not, spend a minute looking at the word -whiskey helps- and you’ll get a surprising epiphany)…and you are constantly getting on @cynicaloldgit’s tits…
…albeit metaphorically speaking (thankfully)…

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Now you made me think of Cynical’s tits.


That’s your evening sorted.


Disappointed but I respect Xabi’s decision, although it seems unlikely we will see him here at all now.
Amorim seems the pick of the others mentioned, but don’t know stuff all about him.
Time will tell!

Day spoilt more like.

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His tits is a metaphor? So it’s not really tits?

someone GIF

I also hate success and great shoes.

Scaloni might be available next summer.

Nobody has explained to me why Simeone isn’t the perfect choice beyond whining that his team fucked us a few years ago.

Amorim and De Zerbi are to Alonso what Aquilani was to Alonso.

He’s anti football and abrasive. His style of play wouldn’t suit the club.


Anti-football is a myth. Doesn’t exist. Pep’s Man City is as close as you get to “anti-football”. Simeone’s teams are aggressively “football”.

As far as “abrasive” goes, have you not watched Klopp?

Nothing wrong with abrasive at all.

His style of football is atrocious


I don’t like his style of football. He can set up his team to play nice football but more often than not , his players do cynical fouls and dive around etc at the slightest contact , at times even without contact.

I get that winning fouls etc is a part of the game and some of our players at times do tend to go down (as do players from other teams).

But there’s a difference between that and the shit-arts that the likes of Simieone epitomize.

How we win is as important as winning for me.

I’ll put it another way , I’d rather have Conte as a manager than have Simeone. This is knowing that Conte will be an epic car-crash.


Totally agree

That’s putting it mildly. Cynical’s tits will now ruin your sleep as well.

If not before , definitely after reading this post.

Its definitely Torres.

Links to former player…

Alonso was smokescreen. El Nino was at the club this week ordering stuff for his new office and meeting the players. He had “constructive and fruitfull talks” with Mo Salah. Contract will be extended.

He will play a hybrid of Klopp/Alonso football…

Remember where you heard this first.

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Happy with anyone FSG deem suitable as long as it’s not Stevie.

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I have to admit that, while I didn’t expect Alonso to come here this summer, he was my preferred choice because he was the devil I knew. I don’t know anything about Amorim the manager, aside from fact that he played a key role in Sporting’s revival, while De Zerbi’s defensive game fails to convince me, even though I’m very much in love with how his teams build up and attack.

All of this has the hallmarks of rich man’s Martinez vs. Rodgers, I’m afraid, but we all knew it would be extremely difficult to replace the best football manager/coach/whatever in the world.

I wonder if the club are actually setting us up for a surprise, for someone who hasn’t really been linked with us (and whose football is different to Klopp’s in terms of being reliant on high pressing). I really admire what Simone Inzaghi did with Inter, though if he was somehow made the first choice, I’d be worried about his lack of experience outside of Italian football (and I don’t know if he speaks English). He’d probably be the best candidate, though, his 3-5-2 formation could actually be suitable to this squad.


putting aside the style of football for a moment, which is probably the main sticking point, and the general shithouseness of his set up…

hes probably at a point where hes as close to a one club manager as you can get in this day…lets say he played the most expansive football ever imagined…id still wonder how after all these years his heart could be invested somewhere else, how he could go from being an Atletico legend, walk on water type of human…to having to start again, after a successful coach…

the fit just feels completely wrong…

maybe before Klopp there was a window, but not after…