The Hunt for Klopp’s Successor

I looked again for a bit more in depth information


I think Simone is underrated and a bit demonized. I like him, but I feel we need someone with a higher ceiling. Just one league trophy in last six seasons, with considerable spending, isn’t convincing. I think his career flatlined since 2017-18 season.

I am really thick here

Just would like to know, how does the job interview work for top class football managers?

Apart from the usual questions in front of the owners, do the prospective candidates have to do a task or something?

How is he the perfect choice when he isn’t even a realistic one? There’ve been no links to him, in fact there haven’t been any links of him leaving Atletico for years. Plus I’d say that 99% of the fanbase doesn’t want him, to put it mildly, and he doesn’t want us either.

By the way it was Adrian that fucked us back then. Simeone’s team was dead and buried, waiting for the final whistle.

Who is your greatest role model?
Can you think of a time you overcame a challenge? What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? How would your colleagues describe you?
Where do you see yourself in five years time?

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They’d ask for an extensive presentation based on an analysis of the squad and the applicant’s planned tactics/formations/acquisitions.

It wouldn’t be easy. You’d need to have done your homework.

Or you could just apply for the Watford job.

Pretty sure those interviews consist of asking someone if they’re alive.

‘Yes? You’re hired!’

Those are standard interview questions.
I thought the football managers would have scenarios type questions, for example, if DoF wants player X and you want player Y, how will you convince the DoF that your choice of player is more suited to the team and style of football?

You obviously didn’t watch Stoke under Tony Pulis then.

Thanks, hopefully, our prospective next manager will have done his due diligence and impress the FSG panel.

It will be a huge step for Amorim if he is the one.

They won’t just give it to him, of that I am certain, and I am supremely confident the club will be diligent and thorough.

Ignore the plebs on X.


The same way hiring goes for top level executives at Huge corporations

Most of them being interviewed would have already cleared the basic requirements. It’s about the comfort level that the company feels about the prospect and vice versa


“Name a time you dealt with extraordinary pressure”
“Well, I was 2-0 down at Luton once”

I am not at executive level, so have no clue how it works. Cheers! :+1:t3:

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Simeone has somewhat stalled.

The fact he hasn’t moved in the last 6 years suggests something more and let’s face it the football is rather bland even though he has adapted in recent years to a team that could defend and score a goal or two to a team who can’t defend and score a goal or two.

A few years back I might have felt it a decent choice but having watched a lot of La Liga these past two years I’d say no way.


Underwhelmed with that. Being charismatic sounds good but not sure we should be looking for someone with all Klopps’ strengths.

I’m quite astonished that Mister Good Ebening 's name hasn’t been put more forward in here. He might not have won the Spanish league (one of my personal criterions), but he has an impressive track record in Europe, has big club experience, is in the right age, and knows the PL circus inside out. I’d put such a guy over a young one-small-league rookie without any big club or England experience.

As for Xabi, respect for deciding to stay put, but I hope that the Leverkusen bosses will be fair-play with him, and won’t sell their best players under his nose next summer. That’s what usually happens at this club. Anyway, best of luck to him.


I wouldn’t say no to that! :blush:

Oooo…you are awful.

Torres should probably teach Nunez and Diaz how to finish properly…