The Hunt for Klopp’s Successor

Nasty, obstinate neighbours are horrible to have my sister ended up moving house because of the problems and grieve it caused. Somehow you have to shut it out or it distroys you. Don’t let them get you down, stand strong!

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6% voting for Benitez :joy: Fucks sake!

Tuchel is in charge of Bayern, who have been perenial winners until he took over and he has just had his arsed spanked by Alonso at Bayer, why would we want Tuchel


I know right.

The disrespect.

Should be 60!!

Thanks Flobs :heart::fist:t4: :crossed_fingers:t4:

I have not reached that stage yet. He also wants to buy the house, he has to be civil with me. He had dictated to me (when he was talking to me) that he should be no:1 choice as he lives next door. He is going to get a shock as he won’t be getting anywhere near it.I do have a few neighbours who are with me on this.

Sorry to digress everyone.

Btw, @LaurazRed says a big :wave:t4: to all the TAN family, just spoken to her and she will be popping into TAN soon, she is abit busy at the moment.


Okay, I have narrowed it down to Amorim :slightly_smiling_face: Emery :slightly_smiling_face: and, De Zerbi :grimacing:

I don’t think Emery will come as he is very happy at Aston Villa.

I like Postecoglou, but, he also seems happy at Spurs as well.

We are limited for choice as well.

Yes, thank you!


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It seems to have gone very quiet about him, which I wouldn’t regard as a negative point.

Assuming that the new coach is already in a position, we are unlikely to make any announcement until their season ends.

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Emery is my preference and think he would absolutely join us. If he finishes 4th that’s the top of the mountain for Villa. Or come here and compete for PLs and CLs :muscle:


He’s bound to mention the war, and then complain he wasn’t given enough money to win it.

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I loved Rafa, I really did, but he is clearly yesterday’s man. His career has been on a downward spiral for 15 years, and I don’t think his brand of football (which I’d suggest is conservative, controlling, tactical) and his attitude to players are really what we are looking for.


It would be like appointing King Kenny in 2011 hoping the magic is still there but realising the hardway its not.


The anger of losing to Arsenal that spring, the game that more or less ended our shot at CL, was partly at how we threw away the game and with it the season, but partly over the guilt of feeling angry at Kenny. It was horrible, I wanted it to stop and yet we had 6 weeks or so of the season left where he’d have to face the fans being angry at him. I think I hated that period more than I hated the Roy period the year before.


Sporting won today, so they need 5 points in 4 games to take the league. This assumes Benfica win the next 5 games and they don’t catch-up on Sportings +18 goal difference.


I still remember how hopeless and deflated I felt after that Arsenal loss. It sounds silly but that part of 2011/12 season after the Arsenal loss was the only period during my time supporting the club when I would do everything I could to not watch our league games. I worked in another city and would time my visits home, so that the return trip would coincide with them. Unfortunately for me, I still caught a lot of those games on TV. The Twitter commentary did make the other ones sound horrible, especially our defeats to Newcastle and Swansea.

Remember a TV interview around that time where a fan said that you should never go back to old managers as it never works out. When asked who should replace Kenny they said “Benitez!” :smiley:


Okay, if we can’t get the no:1 or no:2 choice.

I say Mourinho :grimacing: come for 2 years, until we get Xabi Alonso. I know, he’s controversial, but he is winner. He is nice guy outside of football.
Okay,… get the pelters out now🙆‍♀️

If Mourinho comes anywhere near the club I’ve loved for over fifty years, I’ll top myself.

Even if the tea lady ruled herself out I wouldn’t pick Mourinho.

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