The list of reasons why “We won’t be signing Mbappé” in 2024

You could just…not open the thread…


Yeah OK fair point. I haven’t spent much time in here cos I thought it was a hoax from the start. Had to make the point though. Sick of the saga. Can’t wait for it to close.

As long as Mbappe is playing football, the saga will never ends. Wherever he signs there will be talks about his next move and where else he could play.

This thread will be seriously long by 2034

hes a very boring footballer now isnt he?

technically and statistically brilliant…

but hes just so…meh…

im guessing hes posting better numbers than maradonna…but hes not even in the discussion… Mbappe would be honoured to even tie maradonnas laces…maradonna meant something…

this is why i love football so much, its worth so much more…you have to feel it for it to mean something…

sorry to ramble on…


Plus, forgot that Xavi Simons in their player on loan at Leipzig. He coud be back with them next season.

He has a really bland face as well.

It’s almost like a cartoon.

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Don’t see anything particularly boring about Mbappe to single it out and compare it to someone as charismatic as Maradona + also from a totally different era.

In that context, for me, Mbappe is not much different than the top players of today. And from what I’ve heard of him in French and English, he’s not so boring actually.

I see him as a normal top player of today, very focused on his career and also very respectful when he talks football and other matters in interviews.

Compared to Maradona, someone like Messi comes across as boring, but that can be said of many players.


Because Ibou said so

Maradona moved to Napoli, did cocaine with the mafia then won the league before moving to Cuba and becoming castro’s best mate. He’s not a great comparison for what constitutes being “interesting” as a footballer :joy:

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Salah is boring compared to George Best.
Fun game this

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i actually meant on the park.

i can understand why people assumed i meant the whole offield personality as well, but i didnt.

on the park i dont find Mbappe as interesting to watch as Nunez, he doesnt have the same gravitas as even an aging Messi(forgetting the Miami stuff as ive never bothered)…

it feels unfair to say he doesnt hold a candle to Ronaldinho as lets face it…not many did…but compared to Zlatan…go lower on the scale, Drogba was fun to watch…

same same with Haaland…wonderful footballers, amazing Stats…but the show just doesnt have the ‘zing’ for me…

…as for off the park, well, yeah…that got even jucier…

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its funny because i can live with that description aswell…not that i think Salah is boring, but maybe my judgement of the player is skewed by my glasses…but to the nuetral, Best would be worth the ‘ticket’ more, so to say

but thats still talking in degrees…‘whos MORE interesting?’…its actually a pretty cool topic…but it wasnt my point…(Barnes for me BTW)

my point was i find Mbappe (and Haaland) uninteresting…

i understand if im in a minority…

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Shock horror :hushed:…lock it up!

Kylian Mbappe agrees Real Madrid deal to join in summer - BBC Sport

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Worst kept secret.

Oh My God What GIF by WWE

As expected. :wink:

S’ok I fixed the title. Keep it open

:lock: :lock: :lock:

The lad is only 25. We might need to keep this open for ten years yet.