The Liverpool Guide Thread

There is a tour available of the Birkenhead tunnel:

It sounds fascinating but I have never been able to go as the kids were too young at the time. It’s definitely on my to-do list at some point.

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There are actually more Liver Birds @Maria. I believe that there’s one atop of one of the buildings in William Brown Street? Maybe the Picton Reading Rooms or the Walker Gallery? The other one is maybe along Dale Street? :thinking:

Glad you’re having such a great time in Liverpool. :heart::nerd_face:


I did the tunnel tour with two of my Grandsons some years ago. It is really, really good. You enter by the George’s Dock Building and get to go to the top floor of the building to see the old control room. Then you go down past the ventilation fans to tunnel level and below. A couple more years and my two youngest Grandsons will be old enough to do the tour. I can’t wait to take them. :+1::nerd_face:


I got goosebumps



I’m on that mural with my two Nephews. :+1::nerd_face:

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Back home to cloudy old Ealing! :slightly_frowning_face:

The Anfield tour was good combined with the Anfield museum, the guides Mike and the youngster Matt were really nice.Mike had the scouse humour on track. We got shown the VIP boardroom which is usually not on the tour list and paid for boxes. Each seat is £25k per year, you have to sign a 2 year contract, you have to buy two seats, plus you have to be vetted before you can even buy a seat.

He showed us the seat where Jurgen was supposed to sit at the Villa game, but he was pacing up and down like an agited tiger and Naby Keita’s seat was moved to the treatment room. :joy:

Mike also said, Rome for football was a very hostile place and they were intimidated by the police and the fans were worse. He also recommended if one wanted to experience a true football experience for once in your life, he said forget Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, go to the Dortmund stadium, you will get the ultimate footballing atmosphere experience at the Westfalon stadium, outside of Anfield.

I went inside the Anglican Cathedral after my Anfield tour, it was a truly, moving and spiritual experience. The stain glass windows are magnificent. It is huge inside, with beautiful arches and you can feel the peacefulness in this place of worship regardless if you are religious or not. It is a truly stunning peace of architecture by Gilbert Scott.
spent a good half an hour in there. I prayed for my parents and the hoping for a better world and I lit two candles, one for Mum and Dad and one for the rest of people who are vulnerable situations around the world.

Thanks @WooltonRed :pray:t2:for kind reminder, I am so glad I did not miss this visiting this beautiful landmark, before I left Liverpool.

Thank you Liverpool and the people for giving me an enjoyable, memorable experience. I will miss you Bella and Bertie and the Three Graces. Farewell, keep Liverpool safe. :heart:

P.S I got to catch up with the footie news.


I’m glad you enjoyed your visit to Liverpool,Maria and also managed to visit the Cathedral. The weather was perfect as well. By coincidence, the guide on the stadium tour called ‘Mike’ is possibly an ex colleague of mine. It’s a small world


It is definitely a small world WooltonRed. I found out that nearly every local I met and chatted to, had some connection with the past with some of the famous people from Liverpool.

He also said, Jurgen is exactly what you see on the tv, he is a very humble person and he didn’t even want any name on the manager’s door in the stadium section. One day, Jurgen was in the room and came out suddenly during a guided tour and there was mayhem, because all the touring visitors gravitated towards Jurgen and he spent half an hour having pictures taken with them and they had delay the tour for abit.
We were showed Stanley Park from 6th floor of the main stand and Mike asked us to guess what was at the end, someone said, a broken old shed! He asked the audience a some questions on the history of LFC and to guess them, I answered one on Phil Neal. He said I a maybe a Londoner but I was on the ball with my history. :smiling_face:

Chris, Beatles tour guide knew Mike McCartney and interviewed him on the radio a few times and there is a story, that when he was getting married, Paul was best man one of the relatives shouted to the photographers that, ‘please at least take a photo of the bride as well as the best man’.

The stadium has had a dramatic change, everything looks new and state of the art. I can’t recognise the interior, the place where the players go up the stairs in the old days has moved or gone I think. It will be spectacular when all the building work has been finished.

Thank you @WooltonRed @sandsoftime @Rambler @Zoran @peterroberts @Commando @ILLOK @RedWhippet for helping me with all the travel tips to this magnificent city.

If you are in London, the drinks and chicken tikkas are on me!


Indika Festival in Liverpool will be the biggest in history - Liverpool Echo

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Just wanted to pop in to thank everyone for their contributions in this thread, was very useful when I finally got to make the pilgrimage.


I wish I could give this post more than one like :heart_eyes:


So pretty!:heart_eyes:

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Stunning :star_struck:, What’s that bright spot on the upper bank?

Hold on,

Can any of you local budding astronomers out there help Ifti?

Its definitely not Everton’s new stadium being built, lol!
Maybe, the main city centre,

The big bright bit is the city centre. Heading west up the river you can see the Bootle docks and then the big Liverpool 2 container port nearest the Irish Sea.


Just in town with my son and did the Liver Building tour with him yesterday.

I’m meant to be doing the Tunnel tour with him tonight but unfortunately I had a fall last night and am currently nursing a black eye and bruised knee and thigh so playing that one by ear.


Not a good thing. Hope you get well soon.

So I ended up doing the Tunnel tour. It’s worth going if you are into industrial type tourist attractions and interesting to see behind the scenes of what, for many, is a familiar part of the city.


Its our trophy room!

Or… it could be the biggest illegal cannabis farm being cultivated… you know, with the horticultural lighting they need for the job :0)
Often when the police helicopters are flying overhead, most think they are looking for a burglar hiding in someone’s garden, or it is monitoring/chasing a stolen car… yet most of the time when the helicopter is up in the air… it is because with its on-board infra red camera’s… they are looking for illegal cannabis farms due to the high heat being emitted from a building…!
So if any forumites are growing some of their own… for personal use obviously… you might need to throw the circuit breaker if you hear a whirring noise above the roof…! :0)

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