The Liverpool Guide Thread

Holy shit.

Hope everyone’s taking care

Hundreds of pubgoers and residents spilled onto the seawall for a closer look at the fire, which surged across marshland in the Dee estuary.

I suppose they were a bit of a nuisance for the fire-fighters. :man_shrugging:

How does such a huge fire happened. Aren’t the reeds still a bit soggy to fuel such blaze?

Based on Richie’s post on Liverpool properties, I just got interested to surf around just for fun. Not that I am going to get a property anytime so far away from Singapore, but I just happen to see this property pretty near to Anfield and my question is, with this kind of condition, how much would it take to get this house at least structurally sound and basically cleaned up for normal residency? When I saw the pictures and video, I was like shit if this was in Singapore, it gonna cost me a bomb just to get this place up and running for people to stay in…and while the “from 50K” price seems attractive at least from my point of view because I cannot get that in Singapore, but just curious to know the real cost of getting this in a liveable state.

The problem with a lot of property auction scenarios, is they sadly become a target of so much easy ‘drug’ money profits being available in these times we live in… meaning houses and the like, often go for twice the estimated cost or at least well above their actual value… The cost of improving them to a good standard also becomes irrelevant. This leaves first time purchasers and the likes in hoping for a bargain well out of the game…
If there is no subsidence in the property, or evidence of it within the road, then works are likely to just be cosmetic so a budget can be established a bit easier… new roof maybe, central heating, new plumbing and wiring would be the basics I guess…

just for me to get a sense of reality in Liverpool, is there above house I posted going for 50K in that kind of condition, considered market price or above or below? And I can understand what some mean about the safety of some areas because when I was in Liverpool and trying to find a place for parking my rental car before heading to Anfield, some locals told me to avoid certain areas even those nearby Anfield and even if you can find a “free” space because your car might just get broken in. It would just be better to pay for secure parking or paid parking even if it costs a fair bit.

If you want a real sense of Liverpool you would have to live in the City to see both the very good and the very bad… The outside media tend to portray us in a certain negative way, and there is enough evidence for them to do that… However, what tends to get overlooked, is the fantastic friendly people that make the City the brilliant place it is…
All in all though… in any big City, it has its share of savoury and unsavoury areas… The clips here, even though they could have been filmed anywhere in the UK, are typical of portraying Liverpool in a certain manner…!

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Very true about how the media can produce a programme or article to portray something in the light that they want.
In 1986 World in Action made a programme about the estate (Ford Estate) where I live here on The Wirral. They made it out to be similar to The Bronx in New York. The estate did have a problem with drugs, but the programme was extremely over the top. They had a lad in silhouette talking about going “tooled up” to drugs deals because “you don’t know if the other person is packing”. I knew the lad and he wouldn’t say boo to a goose in real life. But the programme makers wanted ‘drama’ and ‘sensation’ for the viewers.
The truth is most places the length and breadth of the country have good areas and bad areas, good people and scallies. You could save for years, pay top dollar for a property and end up living next to the ‘neighbours from hell’

A small post script to this story. In 1987 myself and a lad from Liverpool (who ironically was called Wooly) were attached to 40 Commando Royal Marines forvan exercise in Gibraltar. We were sat in a bar with the rest of the lads one night when the programme came on the telly. Wooly pointed out to everyone that it was about the estate where I lived. I spent ages saying how the place wasn’t that bad and how it was all overblown. After the programme the news came on and was followed by ‘McVicar’ the film. We were sat watching it when Robbo a Cockney lad points to the screen and says “that’s my Godfather.” Someone says, “who, that actor?” Robbo says " no the character he’s playing."
It turned out that Robbo’s Godfather and Dad were both in the Kray gang and had both done time for serious crime. I didn’t feel too bad about coming from an estate with a bit of a drug problem after finding that out. :nerd_face:


The press and media have romanticised and to a certain extent glorified the Krays and the whole London underworld thing for decades. I think that could be the reason why Robbo, the cockney, felt comfortable letting everyone know about his connection to his gangster godfather. Whereas, the treatment of Merseyside by the media, probably has the opposite effect. I don’t think I’d feel inclined to brag to a group of people, if I had connections to certain crime families in Liverpool, who shall remain unnamed.


It’s the glorification of gangster culture and violence in general which is so abhorrent.


This just went up on YouTube…

Any comments on the suggestions in the article?

Hi guys.

Can somebody suggest some family friendly restaurants in the city. Staying in toe Novotel on Hanover street and looking for somewhere nice for a Friday or Saturday night and possible somewhere nice for a Sunday lunch time.


My kids are 6 and 4 and are typical fussy eaters so Indians / Chineses are probably out.

It’s gonna need to be somewhere that does a variety of food rather than a speciality place.

The Casa Italia on Stanley Street, is very popular. Pasta, pizza etc.


Have a look at the Hanover Street Social, which is very near to where you are staying.

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Casa Italia is a great shout, you don’t have to worry about them being loud in there.

There are loads of restaurants on bold st so you could just walk up and down there and pick on. La Parilla is a brilliant Mexican if they’ll eat that.

Shiraz cafes are great for breakfast too. The Shiraz Palace is about a 5 minute walk away from where you’re staying.


That looks lovely.

Have you been?


They’re typical kids so I’m gonna need somewhere that offers your typical kids stuff (chips and sausage etc) as a fall back. Pizza is a good shout.

Nothing to spicy

No I haven’t, but several people I know have recommended it to me.

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Pizza and Pasta in an Italian restuarant?! Fucking genius idea, never would have thought of that myself :rofl: