The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! I woke up to beautiful sunshine and the birds twittering this morning, and then read about this :slight_smile:
Zippity fucking do dah :+1:


I can’t see why other supporters would go on an abuse him though.

Depends what you label as a fan, these people are evidently not fans but probably claim they are.


[quote=“Red_Submarine, post:2261, topic:266, full:true”]
*hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! I woke up to beautiful sunshine and the birds twittering this morning, and then read about this :slight_smile: *
Zippity fucking do dah :+1:
Should you not be Yellow Submarine today! :0)


Man, he’s so annoying to listen.

Wouldn’t watch him even if he was a Liverpool fan.


Love this gif! Nice one mate


That’s what makes him so compelling. He’s a real life Alan Partridge … a complete twat !


Bahahah have you seen Moreno!!!


In 2016 we lost to a 7th place Seville in the final. Players matter, which is why Klopp completely turned over that side. By the time we won the title, most of the side who started that game had left the club, and several of the others had been relegated to bit part players. Bobby was the only one who would go on to start the CL final.

You can argue that other managers would do better with this group of players than Ole has, but I don’t know how much room there really is for that. They’ve got some quite unimpressive players who play a good amount of games, good good production on players other managers might have overlooked, and their depth is dogshit. The reasons for that go beyond Ole. I don’t think he’s capable of taking them to the next level even with better players, yet in a bit of a paradox think many better managers might have struggled to replicate this with this unimpressive group of players.

Anyway, the interesting thing is now a guy who has never been able to shake off the perception he was a permanent appointment in name only is going into a summer on the back of disappointment when several other big names have become available. Will be interesting to see if Utd do anything about that.


That Seville side was a pretty good one, and deserving of a higher place in the league. The only reason they were 7th was because they built their season around winning the Europa League.


Ole at the Wheel is boss, isn’t he? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I dont know there is much evidence for that. They definitely took their foot off the gas at the end of the season to focus on the final, but that was also because they’d failed to mount a decent challenge to break up the top 3 and already had little chance of qualifying for the CL through the league. I do think they were a better side than this Villareal one, but I think it’s splitting hairs to think of them as that much better. They were far closer to a 7th placed Villareal than they were to being a top 3 side. Rather than dunking on Ole for losing to a Spanish side of out the big 3, we should recognize that this too was Klopp and that a big part of his response to that was to go and get better players.


Right before that, to Woodward…

Get out of the picture! You’re the cretin that made us play in this tournament!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Isn’t it funny that the main culprit who hindered us to win that final against Seville (apart from the ref, who was horrible) gets now the occasion to win the EL with his new club? Excellent, happy for Alby! :+1:t2:


Seems to me Ole hasn’t a clue, when we went to Old Toilet I was completely baffled at them pressing us in the 1st half. They were dead in the second. Surely a good manager knows what his players are capable of. That’s why Klopp is good he makes sure his players are capable of playing his way.


Their track record in Europe up to that point, and I think I read an article where senior figures at the club stated that was the strategy - in part because of the difficulties they faced competing with the top 3 domestically?

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They definitely understand the importance and value of the competition, but it doesn’t mean they tank their season to position themselves for it creating an artificially low league position for themselves.

If the dunking on Utd and Ole now is based on the relative weakness of La Liga outside the top 3, then any debate just how good Seville are/were is pissing around the edges because even the most generous interpretation still puts them outside of that top 3. So, we were once that side too under Klopp. How much of our subsequent improvement was because Klopp made that group better because he’s a good manager? I don’t know, I’m sure of a lot of it, but we didn’t have to find out because he did subsequently completely overhaul the playing personnel to one that was good enough to beat sides of that caliber, and no manager who has ever lived could have turned the 2016 version of Sturridge into Mane or Salah.

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I just can not believe Ole and Klopp are being mentionned in the same post outside an LFC Vs Manure encounter. @Limiescouse :wink:


But Klopp was barely 6 months on the job. He inherited a weak inadequate squad that finished the season 8th. He still guided it to the final having gone through United and Dortmund. Solskjaer is on his 3rd season, he has spent millions upon millions, is coming off his best domestic finish and had a milk run to the final.

Furthermore, that Sevilla side were on their third consecutive European final having already won the EL the two previous seasons. They had far better players and European pedigree than this Villarreal side.

Klopp did fantastically well to even reach the final, Solskjaer failed at what should have been one of the easiest finals in their history.


Lets hope the united board think more like Limie than yourself on this point and keep Ole another couple of years and let him add some more debt to the pile.