The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

United’s best signing of late (most effective) has been Bruno the diving whiney penalty whore. I’ll bet he and CR will get on just marvellously as they’ll both be happy to share the limelight and goals. CR is particularly famous for his low ego, low self esteem and tolerance of not being given the ball and plaudits all game long. They’ll get on like a burning house :wink:


The way Utd had their fingers burnt in such an embarrassing manner in the global world of football by Maureen… Ole Gob Shite is just a ‘Patsy’ that has been put in place in an attempt to bring back some respectability to the club. The fact that he is clueless is less of a concern to the board.
The dark shadow of Old Whiskey Nose still looms large over the club, with beady eyes watching every game and player from the stands… Would be naive of us to think he was not approached to calm the waters during the reign of Maureen, hence the situation now.
My opinion is that HE is still the ‘Puppet Master’ twiddling the strings of Ole Gob Shite, and until he departs this plane to manage in the league of Shankly, Clough, Paisley, Busby and Don Revie again, it would be pointless for Utd to bring in a new and exciting manager…!
What would be the point…!

The way people are banging on about this anyone would think they were signing 26 year old Ronaldo.
He has to start fading soon.


Ronaldo thinks he is going to enhance his ‘god’ like status at Utd… It could all back-fire though when he can’t be arsed tracking back or begins to play like he has divers boots on…!
He should have been content to stay away with his reputation already banked in the vault of past greats… why risk it in this manner…?
Oh yeah, nearly forgot… might have something to do with the money and his humungous ego needing a massage after his stint in Italy…
Lets put him up against Virgil at first opportunity… this should extinguish the torch the deluded faithful at Old Toilet still carry for him

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Jimmy Anderson?


Bruno’s goal scoring stats will take a dive…pardon the pun.


And he’ll be so glad about it as it will be for the greater good.

Signing Ronaldo, who will demand to play every week, also blocks the development of younger players like Greenwood and Sancho. They won’t be happy, being left out for 36yr old prima donna.

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just wanna throw this out there, and i know it wont go down too well on here…

but fair dues to Ronaldo…could absolutely milk it anywhere in the world, but chose to go back to UTD who are hardly the finished article and put a fair bit on the line by playing in the hectic EPL at the ripe old age of 36…

ive always been a Messi>Ronaldo guy, probably due to the UTD/LFC rivalry… but…but…Messi went to PSG…and hes two years younger…

even to the biggest haters…you have to respect him on some level surely?


Why not go back to sporting? Play for a lower wage and give something back?

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becuase hed monster that league…kinda my point…hes still challenging himself.

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Quite a bunch of ego’s in that side now. Great to see how it pans out.

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He chose City.

Not that that will bother those deluded souls who follow Utd.


Barcelona :rofl:
Real wants someone young with resale value
Bayern don’t buy the likes of him
PSG got messy
City tried to buy him
Chelsea don’t need him

…and that leaves us with…

Wasn’t Ronaldo’s move to Juve at least partly driven by an unpaid tax bill or something?


Note that in the three years Ronaldo was in Turin, Juve didn’t score any more goals than they did in the three prior seasons when he wasn’t there.


And the fact he’s been not just a brilliant footballer but a model one and has done wonders for his own image and career. Hate the cunt but have a lot of respect for him. You don’t do what he’s done in his career and continue into late 30s without serious mental fortitude and commitment. The opposite of so many players who had it in their feet but not between the ears. Mario, I’m looking at you.


Don’t be such an old lady about it :wink:

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