The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)


And also gross.

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Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

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I’m only one of those things.

Of course he’s not, otherwise last Sunday he would have played more attac… Oh um…

Why am I reading that as testicles? :scream: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Preston second team pressed far better than Ole’s first and would have probably given our first team an annoying first half.

I’d take Nat Phillips tonight over Maguire on Sunday or for most of the season.


Darren Fletcher is currently 14-1 on the Man Utd next manager list and before you start to laugh he apparently appears to be their technical director :rofl:


Technical Director of what…drinks machines, tv’s

…coz it ain’t football.


With Mancs higher up tweedle-dee tweedle-dum on whether to sack or keep OGS, Barca went and got rid of Koeman, and may beat Mancs on getting the manager that they want, thus keeping OGS for much longer?


Boggles me as to why whiskeynose is allowed to dictate to the club still.

He’s done , why take his input on who the next mgr should be or whether ole needs more time etc.

Why would someone like Conte even take the United job if ferguson is still pulling the threads ?


You would have to ask Conte, as he really, really, really, really wants the job and leaks that to everyone and his dog.
For what it is worth, they are still regarded as a very big club.

Luckily for us, this is a very bad time for them to change manager. Only Conte is available of the sought after managers and they don’t really want him, but will probably end up hiring him anyway after Ole Gunnar loses to Manchester City (or worse, Spurs). It is kind of perfect for United’s rivals this to be honest. Because had it been summer, they could have gone for other top managers. Right now they can’t except for Conte (because they would not spend 10s of millions of pounds to buy out a manager, so tricky).

I would just enjoy the ride ! :slight_smile:

Ach, such hopeless spin (for several reasons). A) It is Pogba who wants to leave. B) They quote the fasces thinking it sounds cool with a clenched fist. 3) Cool fascist symbolism aside, their fan base is already ultra toxic and out for blood, this does not change that.

I wonder if they know this is is Mussolini stuff. I doubt they do, they probably think it is from V for Vendetta or something else I suppose. They need to change the social media guy as well as the manager most probably.

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I doubt most people realize the implications of the tweet with mussolini. If they had , it would have been pointed out by now.

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I mean you got Newcastle fans jubilant about the Saudi takeover. People dont give a shit do they. We’re all living in a poorly produced reality show.


Also doubt the saying was initially devised by mussolini. It might have been appopriated to him later though… Anyway its a different topic.

If the clenched fist is avoided , it would have been fine.

It was not. It is just what the Fasces means (bundle and axe). It is not a direct Mussolino quote as such, although he used that line for sure. It symbolises a united people in lockstep under the emperor/führer. It symbolises absolute authority of the dictator, granted by the unified (this is a bit fascist religion and kind of delves into mysticism around the leader cult) will of the people. Originally Roman, used by other cultures and states later, but Mussolini made a person cult around it. It is a symbol of power. But it is not much used after World War 2 precisely because of Fascism. Because after world war 2, it is much like the swaztika, “ruined” by Fascism. That’s the symbol, but of course, you can use what inspirational sentence you like, but if you google “Strength through Unity”, my guess is that you would get up mostly V for Vendetta and Fascism.

As for being fine, I think it’s kind of ignorant and slightly pathetic myself, but that’s just my opinion. It is no big deal regardless. I was not accusing the of being pro Fascism or anything like that, just of being ignorant.


77 this time! :cry: :rofl:

I cant see Barca going for Conte. Their shitty financial mess will be a huge turn off for him

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It would be a difficult choice for a potential manager to make:

A club that’s broke and requires the biggest rebuild it has ever had, or a wealthy club still in denial that it needs the biggest rebuild it has ever had.

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Another one given a job, just be because he’s an ex player. What exactly does a ‘technical director’ do? No doubt the position comes with a very large salary as well. What a waste of money.

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