The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

Sadly, yes. ‘Got up, saw the news, she told us phone was hacked, told her take it down, they were in love, things were rough the last few months, Mason was like part of the family’. That’s the basic gist of it as I remember it posted on the Caf last night.

Fucking idiot.


I wasn’t suggesting they’d buy Greenwood. I was saying they are worse than him and nobody seems to care…because they’re rich

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If found guilty of rape and battery I think he’s done in English football. Maybe he’ll be able to ply his trade abroad, but he may not get a visa.

Just look at the reaction to Ched Evans. Despite serving his time every club that showed an interest in signing him was pilloried until they backed away from him. It took a re-trial and not guilty verdict before he could play professionally again.

What a dick.


They are really hanging him out to dry. You might think that if they felt they had exposure due to prior knowledge of his behavior they would be doing more to manage the fall out of this.


Saw that too. Really sounded like they were in love on that clip that was doing the rounds.


They can’t be publically be seen to be backing greenwood… Not when the evidence is there in the public domain.

If it was not in the public domain , the club can back greenwood while maintaining denial that they werent aware of this evidence.

Fucking Idiot.

Can’t for the life of me wonder how a father could react in this way when their daughter is a victim. Me , I’d be out for blood first and foremost.


You are right of course that they are reprehensible. The whole regime is awful, with terrible treatment to women, LGBTQ, critics, and so on.

Lots of people care, and don’t want them in the game, but the footballing authorities themselves allowed the owners to come in. In turn, I would imagine that they looked at government routinely doing arms deals and business deals, and in its own misguided way, that gave ‘permission’ for Saudi to buy Newcastle. It is shameful to my mind, but I do think most football fans disapprove.

It’s tough to compare to an individual player such as Greenwood. One is a nation state, a government, throwing its money around the world, yes in various sports washing guises, as that overlaps with their commercial and geopolitical interests. Short of a bigger country taking them on militarily - and why would they, as there’s money to be made - it’s hard to see any form of justice hitting the Saudi regime any time soon. At best they will soften a couple of hardline traditional stances to give the appearance of progress e.g. women can drive, but everyone knows the score.

Greenwood is an individual, and much more susceptible to justice. Compared to most people he has power as a rich young man with a high profile, but the limits of his power are going to be tested here. If guilty, it will be jail, and career over… or massively diminished. She may come after him monetarily too. And Man Utd might do that themselves.

There’s a sense in which their house is not in order, and arguably this could be a catalyst moment for them to clean up, as they look for a new manager and a new cycle. In that context, Greenwood is not only susceptible to losing his income, but also being on the wrong side of legal action coming his way from his employer, since their valuable asset is now worthless, due to his own alleged gross wrongdoing, which is surely all covered in his employment contract.

Anyway I’m rambling! Saudi, awful, on any number of levels. But powerful, and intertwined with major governments the world over. Greenwood, awful, allegedly, but massively less powerful and probably about to receive a serious comeuppance.

ManU could back him without backing him, so to speak. Deploy crisis management, get a statement out that they don’t tolerate violence and sexual abuse, and are committed to helping Greenwood deal with his problem, etc., etc.

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That could have been possible if the evidence isnt in public domain. If they attempt to even try that now , they’ll get massive criticism in the public world with the sponsors being in increasing pressure to cut ties.

City could probably still pick Mendy etc because the evidence wasn’t in public domain. Its still reprehensible that pep continued to play mendy despite knowing about the case against him. But there’s no chance that United can be seen as backing greenwood (even in an unoffical capacity)

They can’t in all likelihood claim to be “supporting greenwood” now.

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There is a big middle ground between backing him and completely hanging him out to dry. It’s not nice to think about when something bad has happened to a human being, but Utd have some exposure here that they have a business requirement to manage. Even if you ignore the suggestion that they had prior knowledge of his predilections, something that would incentivize them to control his legal defense so they were close enough to proactively manage any information coming out that was damaging to them, he is a valuable financial asset whose value is plummeting. The moves they have made in the last 24 hours, after initially being cautious and measured with their first statement on the issue, suggests they don’t think this is remotely salvageable and have essentially already written down his value to them to zero.


They certainly couldn’t play him, but that is not what I am suggesting. Turning it into ‘he is seeking help’ sort of situation gives them long term hope of realizing value for him in one form or another. They aren’t even trying.

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A few weeks/months ago they were stacked in forward areas, now when you make two XI’s out of their first team squad, they’re a bit thin.

I want a desperate income move from them until midnight.


They supposedly tried the ultimate panic buy in Dembele but even he wasn’t that desperate

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Cheaters won’t have a problem with sponsors leaving over the Mendy allegations…
The sponsors are the Cheaters…!
Unfortunate as it is for events to unfold from the Old Toilet… They now have to demonstrate a no-nonsense response to anything that is abhorrent or even ‘iffy’ connected to this case. Greenwood is their employee at the end of the day, so it also makes him representative for their values and beliefs… The world is watching now with a keen eye, lets see if Woodward or whoever it is now, comes down hard on the individual dragging them through the mud.

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They tried to get dembele only for him to reject.

They’ll find it hard to get anyone of some ability to join them. Would have been tough even before the greenwood incident , will be nigh on impossible now

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I don’t generally want to comment on the degrees of crime.

But in this case , i think the degrees does play a part. I think what Greenwood has done is much more reprehensible than what Mendy has done.

Both obviously are crimes that deserve them being in Jail but for Man Utd to cut ties so fast suggests that the magnitude of this crime is far much more.

Its useless to speculate how city would act if mendy and his actions were as dire as greenwood and his.

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