The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

You could argue that Mendys was a spur of the moment decision. But Greenwood and his actions probably make him out to be a psychopath.


I think that they are relieved that the images and recordings are off social media, hers at least, not sure about reposts etc. As we already know from them (and it seems to be standard practice across companies), whenever something negative trends about them, they start pumping out as much positive stuff as possible.

Mendy has been charged with a string of offences against different women spanning about a year or so… including one of kidnap and false imprisonment I believe.

Let’s not be downplaying the severity of his offences.


Yeah. But this was continued abuse of a partner for a good number of years as well.

That’s why i said i don’t want to get into the degrees

My point is you definitely can’t call it a spur of the moment thing. He looks like being a serial, premeditated rapist.


I stand corrected.


He’s obviously seeing his gravy train getting away from him. Horrible statement. Even if she is confused or has some form of Stockholm syndrome, she needs her dad to stand up for her


42 posts and not one by @SBYM. Are you ok mate?

I haven’t see or listened to the files posted, so I’ll refrain from comment on their severity except to say their existence in the public domain is likely very much driving the reactions.

The US case this reminds me of is Ray Rice, who knocked his wife out in an elevator. He was well on his way to being reinstated even though everyone knew the facts of the case when video from the elevator security camera was released… and shortly after he was released. The video showed exactly what had be described, but when people actually saw the violence they reacted with horror and stopped rationalizing it… up until then it seemed many were able to rationalize.


Yeah, Roethlisburger would have been buried if there had been video.


Not just that, but also committed at least 1 exra act after being arrested and charged for the first lot.

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And many others. I’m unsure if audio has quite the same impact, but it certainly makes it much harder to make excuses


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In the words of the great Vinnie Jones…

Still warm, the blood that courses through my veins.

My thoughts exactly.

Let’s play Guess Utd’s Squad Building Strategy.

J-Lingz don’t play but they won’t let him leave.

How many minutes will he play for the remainder of the season??

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That really was the paradigm changing one. As you say, everyone knew what he had done, there was little discrepancy over it, but it was getting swept under the rug. Until the video.

Long term difference is Ray Rice was at the end of his career and Greenwood is just starting.

But also the allegations against Greenwood run deeper and more serious.

Oh for sure, but I meant it was paradigm changing in terms of victims understanding what ways they had of rebalancing the situation.