The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)


Shame I like him


Personal media advisor? WTF?

This will have been forced on him by the club. He’s been too honest in his press conferences and there have been at least two “crossed wires” type incidents. The club hierarchy will want to temper him a bit. The cunts.


They should forget the media advisor and get the best sports psychologist alive…Guy’s let remove all those #!~*&^ thoughts from your head and focus on being at the very least, entry level, decent, human beings.

Yeah, United are a brand before a football club. Any sort of negativity needs to be erased swiftly to avoid the millions of dabbing followers waiting for Paul’s next hairstyle getting in a bit of tizz and jumping ship to City. To be completely honest, I think they probably have one the flakiest and unstable fan bases out there and I think they know it.


He needs a media adviser to tell him what jumpers to wear? Well I’ve learnt something already today.


Or they just think he is one crusty old miserable sod who sucks the energy out of the room…!

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It’s the PR version of ‘Weekend At Bernie’s’.

From redcafe

Mate, I was at the game.

Being a cup game on a Friday night, there were loads of fans that brought their kids. Me included. And a lot had come from overseas and made a weekend away out of it. We were in the ground for 4 hours and due to an issue with the tills, and the clubs decision not to accept cash, nobody could get a drink or a bite to eat for the entire time.

There were people drinking water from the taps in the toilets! They were actually queuing up with paper cups that they had begged for from the club staff.

You can go to a Sunday league game and get a bacon butty and a cup of tea from and old lady at a serving hatch, but MANCHESTER UNITED in 2022, cannot achieve the very basics of hospitality.

Can you imagine those people who got on a plane from another country, booked hotels, paid over the odds for tickets. Do you think that they will be coming back here in a hurry?

Middleborough fans were laughing at us!

I am fuming. Doubt that I will re-new my season ticket. The place is an absolute shambles.

This is bad though.


One free drink and one free food item for everyone in the ground. Would have been easy to get some decent PR - when they absolutely need it on any number of levels - for not that much outlay.

Just needed some leadership and a small amount of vision.

Which is of course why they didn’t do it.


Yep. The decision would have been easy to make at half time rather than giving it away for free after the match


Weird decision from him as well. I get that some journalists get their cred from their contacts/access but even they have to make effort to remain on the journalism side of the line. Once they are viewed to be PR mouth pieces they lose credibility, and so it will not be for someone I always felt was one of the best opinion providers out there. It’s going to be difficult to take him seriously on anything related to english football after this. I hope theyve paid him enough to justify this.


Sort of reminds me of that American writer who was really starting to develop some insight, came to LFC to be an advisor of sorts and turned into a complete disaster. His credibility as a football journalist was shot. I don’t even know what he is doing now.


Maybe Ralph will stay behind the scenes, I doubt he will threaten someone unless you mean someone else.

The ‘shoving shit through your letterbox’ lad? That was an interesting episode.


Jen Chang?


how I view Ralf at this moment.

This Is Fine GIF


I see it more like this: