The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

They beat them with the penalty after the game had finished.

Mind you at the moment most teams seem to be that.

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I’m off to my first game of the season against this lot :grinning::+1: Fucking well chuffed!!


I don’t know how old this picture is, but it looks like he may have resolved his dressing issue, so @Zoran may be relieved.


Still a weird choice of shirt to go with the rest of the outfit, plus the bottom part of that pullover needs to be reversed.

:joy: :nerd_face:

An easy way to remember who United’s current bogey sides are is to have a glance at the Premier league table and pick a team, any team.


I did this and got United. :speak_no_evil:


It’s getting to the point where, like, even I recognize how unhealthy it is for me to spend so much time watching stuff like this. But I can’t stop.


Yeah, you really need to get a grip PER. That stuff will rot your brain. Alice whatnot has to be one of the stupidest people to ever draw breath. The fact that she is allowed airtime is causing me to seriously reconsider my belief in free speech.
Do all clubs have these people?


I mean technically everyone is “allowed airtime”, unless you live in North Korea. Or China. Or maybe Russia.

Point is, yes, she’s vacuous as fuck, but I still would.

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I’m a passionate believer in democracy and free speech, but these arseholes are making me doubt.


Didn’t they want Rivaldo once? Or was that the Spurs?

Schadenfreude, simple as that. I consider it to be revenge for Eric FUCKING Cantona in the FA Cup final :joy:


I do like how she repeats her comments about 4 times :rofl:

But let’s face it none of them are adding much insight to football debate.

Bit like most pundits.


Is this her…
Alice Abrahams (@ AliceTalksFooty)


Looks like Brendan Rodgers in a wig :thinking:


More gems…

They lack commitment and motivation. You would think for the money they get paid they would at least try a little harder!

We did score about 10 times, all ruled out. Would have probably been offside anyway. At least we will stop getting the VARUnited thing from other fans…

This team is a write off…

Honestly first thing we need to do is get rid of the tactics coach… he may be a prodigy but 500 odd minutes and 0 goals from set pieces…
2. Fire Ed woodnob.
3. Bring in Conte - Get rid of Ragnarick as coach, along with his staff
4. Get rid off all the dead wood - Pogba, Jones, Martial, Matic, Mata,
5. Bring in 2 CDM
6. Bring Haaland
Team will be sorted

agree… and Ronaldo needs to retire… he’s had his days… let the young ones take over, and get rid of Maguire…if anything, they can learn a tons loads from Man City… no selfishness, play the game to win…

Fully agree, It does my head in when 90% of the attack is about getting the ball to him, long ball down the middle it’s just for him. The sooner the better for me, club legend no doubt but he is finished.

bring Mourinho back!!

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“Bring in a new squad and manager…”

Yeah this isn’t going solve itself for a while.


Sorry dude…was away this week…

He is Eastlake for sure!!!

That’s her.