The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

Werid thing is these people probably make less money the better Man Utd get, I know some of them have been accused of being supporters of other clubs.

But some must realise if they got good their gig on the side goes.

Especially the awful ones like Alice.


AFTV made a fortune on Arsenal being dreadful.

Wouldn’t put it beyond Ty to act like a retard to get the $$$$$$$

Do these people actually make money though? I don’t watch any of them (wouldn’t do it for Liverpool, certainly not going to for Mankfester Utd), so I’m not sure where the money comes from… product placement, ads, do they charge?

Surely there can’t be too much to made… educate me.

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Donations/ tips, people paying subscriptions mostly. Goldbridge has been doing some instream promotions of shampoo products so must have sponsors.


Doing live streams, they bring in viewers which inclrease ad revenue which they get paid through.

Streaming sites also allow subscriptions, which is a monthly payment - usually around £3-5 each month so it can be quiet a lucrative cash earner for a lot of them


Thanks @redfanman and @aussielad - guess it’s true what they say about fools and their money.

Maybe @PeachesEnRegalia, @Scott.Jones, @SBYM and @Bekloppt should team up for a joint effort… now that might be prime time.


But who would be the ditzy blonde? :rofl:

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reminds me of this diva

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I could do it:

O my god, they’ve scored! That was really bad defending. Really bad. Really really bad. They’ve just scored because of some really really bad defending. Why do we always do that? We defend so bad. Really really bad. Guess what, bad defending by us again and they’ve scored. It’s always the same. We always do that. Really bad etc etc ad infinitum


Bang on! You got the job

You are @Walshy07 and I claim my five pounds.


We’d need a gimmick though, to separate us from the rest of the plonkers out there.

I’m thinking bow ties.



Pretty sure Goldbridge does it full time, and is making a packet.

There are heaps of sites that estimate a YT channel’s value, based on the stats…views, subs etc.

We’re talking tens of thousands a month.

Fair play to him, still makes me laugh.


Goldbridge knows he’s a meme though. The channel that does the “best bits” compilations is also owned and run by him. I’ve no issue with this kind of grift, to be honest. When we are shit again, there’ll be plenty of similar channels for LFC generating clicks and views for money.

The issue with Goldbridge is that throngs of Man United fans actually take him seriously, including my brother in law. I once showed him and my nephew the clip of the Phil Jones penalty miss reaction “EE’s BLOODY MISSED IT! WHAT A PRAT! WHAT A PRAT!!!”, you know the one. Anyway, since then, he and my nephew have glommed onto Goldbridge and hang on his every word, taking it as gospel. Twats.



The comments are deadset amazing.

As an aside, the fee Utd paid will go down as perhaps the biggest WTF moment in PL transfer history. I understand quantum mechanics more than I understand how Leicester got 80m for this cat.


That music is the best part.


The sales of wash and go must be skyrocketing amongst Manure fans wishing to go … :rofl: :grin:

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I reckon, any manager about to face Man Utd

would tell his attackers to target Maguire, as the guy is a liabiity.

its a bit embarrassing tbh

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Ronaldo - Shaw - McFred - Bruno - Gary Neville


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