The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

I hope you’re not getting your news on Twitter or similar. I’m not familiar with the story either, but any form of social media I use seems to be full of Depp stans.

I think there has been exaggerations from both sides and both sides playing the victim. Likely fact is that this was an abusive relationship with both the parties being abusive to the other (as is the case with quite a lot of toxic relationships)

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From what I’ve heard it’s the sheets that need cleaning.

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Sounds like someone called for Alisson?

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That was in reference to alleged human feces that was discovered on the bed. It is now called a “amber turd” when you partner leaves an unwanted present in your bed.


Toxic relationships in the MU thread? Whatever next?!

goldbridge , piggy and alice agree

What an end to the season for them so uneventful we are talking about turds

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As it has been for the whole season

Rimshot 1037 Kiss Fm GIF by JMatt


Hadn’t they won the title after the first three weeks. Amazing how they slowly morphed into Everton.


I didn’t know Ian Hislop was married to Colleen Rooney!

Edit: love the hands too. Reminds me of Trumpton and Camberwick Green characters from when I was a kid.


The court drawings are all I know about this trial

Hope I don’t look that old when I get to 36…!!! :0)

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My hair is going grey but im far more youthful looking and im nearly 40


Bedtime reading from the caf:

We’ve always hired a manager who was available or could be got without too much trouble. That hasn’t changed.

Moyes - the chosen one. He had to resign from Everton to join us. He was so bad, we fired him 10 months later.
LVG - He joined with a big reputation having managed big clubs and also a national team.
Jose - serial winner. Our last trophies were won under him.
Ole - He joined with a very poor reputation as a manager and he had to resign from his current job to join us. He was an unmitigated disaster and has left us in a seriously bad place.
ETH - has had to join us by resigning from his current position (just as Ole and Moyes did, before). He has no reputation for managing a big club or dealing with big players.

Reading that, I would say that ETH does not feel different and we got a manager who could be had without too much trouble (which is usually the case with all clubs).

The worrying thing is that fans are putting huge expectations on ETH - a man who has never managed at this level before and a squad which is in disarray. Some of the posts I’ve read on this forum are downright delusional. Some are expecting him to improve every single player in our squad and turn us into a well drilled machine within 2 years. In this thread I have read posts suggesting that we are 2 players away from being a great team. Realistically, I expect him to drag us up the table into top 4 in year 2 or 3, then get fired the following year.

I know that it’s been bad this season, but guys, just be realistic and manage your expectations with ETH. Unless he is a Moyes style disaster, go easy on him and be realistic with what you expect of him.

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Again Moyes wasn’t the disaster he is painted his points total was pretty decent, after winning the title it was shit but if I remember wasn’t that well backed eithier.

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Honestly I suspect if they’d stuck with Moyes they’d be in a comfortable, consistent 3rd/4th by now? Possibly even pushing higher; he’s not a bad manager, and they’ve got enough money that this long with a consistent transfer plan and they would have a sound squad, you’ve got to assume.

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Moyes would have turned it around given time I suspect. The problem was the structure of Man Utd was unworkable not the managers.

Moyes is a winner.
He doesn’t need trophies to be a winner.