The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

I want the best for his health, but if he goes to MU then the worst for his football. Choices.


In other words: he’s getting half a mil a week to chill in the sun while Utd fail to sell him.

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The more I read and hear about ManU, it just seems more and more evident that Ten Hag has been left with a big, steamy pile. Of course, we knew that already, but it gets bigger and steamier by the day. Seems like there’s absolutely nothing to help him ease into things.

And the Eriksen signing seems like another symptom of that, like you allude to. Yes, excellent player, but it also looks like TH is just frenetically looking for some players who can help him execute his football. For me it seems like he has no trust in what’s been going on there in terms of scouting, hence all the links are either players he coached at Ajax or scouted while he was there.

And now Eriksen, someone with clear Ajax DNA. I certainly get why he’s doing what he does with the ones he tries to sign, and Eriksen might be his first lucky break so far.

Well it doesn’t take a special one to figure that out

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United are a giant sh1tshow


I hope Chelsea sign Ronaldo.

It will demonstrate that the new owners have no idea what they’re doing.

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Cracking Up Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

I wonder what Ole is up too?

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Is there no end to Man United’s incompetence?

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Oops, thought I was still in the UK Politics thread.

To get back on track…


Perfect start to pre-season for United - arguably the biggest name in world football, a Man United legend and hero, lives for the game of football - decides he’s actually not gonna bother and throw his toys out the pram instead. Essentially, that means everything Erik says in the first couple of weeks to his new team is pointless the second Ronnie wanders in as you know he’s got his own agenda.

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It’s possible that Ten Hag would welcome this as he may not have wanted Ronaldo around anyway while he rebuilds the team the way he wants it.

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IT may be what he wants but was probably resigned to the fact that Ronny would be sticking around for his £500k. The problem is that a club notorious for failing to get their targets, or when they somehow do, pay 5 times the going price, is probably not capable of getting a replacement in this late in the window, especially knowing ETH and the transfer guys look like they are also not on the same page like every other manager MU have had recently.

Fire Trash GIF


episode 4 GIF

The scum telling a prospective new player what the signing day photo shoot will consist of :joy:

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Sir Alex Ferguson on Del Piero: "After Italy won the World Cup in 2006 and Juventus were relegated to the second division, I was sure that he would leave Juventus, a player like him does not play in the second division. After my offer, his response was shocking, he told me: “Sir, you have spoken to me before, I respect you a lot, but Juventus are suffering a lot and my duty is to stay here, Juventus is in trouble, I am the captain of the team, do you expect me to leave them?”


People seem to be missing the critical other side of the coin…Ronaldo has found himself at a club with a new manager whose game plan precludes Ronaldo. For all the bad things you can say about him, Ronaldo knows who he is and what he cannot do, and he has to see this situation as one where if he stays a good outcome for him is unlikely. Either Ten Hag stands firm and finds a way forward with Ronaldo on the bench, or they end up with some awful compromise that undermines them both. Either way, at this point, it is reasonable for him to think his best outcome here is to find a way out and let Utd get on with playing the sort of football the new manager wants to. And so if we’re being fair to Ronaldo, we should expect him to give a fair amount to facilitate that exit (i.e. go somewhere where they will pay him a fraction of his current salary).

One of the interesting things about this summer as the number of high profile players who have either left their club or indicated a commitment to and not yet been able to find a place to land - Pogba, Dybala, Lewondowski, Belotti. These are not cases of players biding their time to see where the right place to end up is, but there being a genuine paucity of options where a club can combine the desire to land the player with the financial capacity to bring them in a sufficiently level of attractiveness to make the player want to do it. I dont know that we’ve ever seen a situation like this before. You wonder if we see some combination of these guys having to settle for either a place on the bench as their current club moves on (Ronaldo and Lewi) or they end up falling to somewhere like Villa like Phil did, will this possibly be a turning point in the market?


Utdtrey is the biggest embarrassment going


The best thing Utd could do in terms of messaging is to draw a line under the Woodward era by letting the new leadership of Arnold, Murtaugh and Ten Hag publicly throw Ronaldo to the wolves to indicate a new way of doing things. There are so many people who need to hear a new message - the current players, the players they are targeting, the agents of the players they’re targeting, the clubs of the players they want to bring in - that this is a new football focused Utd. Nothing would send that message more than publicly declaring that if Ronaldo doesnt want to commit to work that the new manager requires they will work with him to find him a new club where he can perform the way he wants. This is an outcome that is in their best footballing interests, but it’s also a case of them being a situation where they can turn it into a win in a messaging war. With the new leadership group this sort of situation is so much easier to spin in their favour, but rather than trying to win that battle they seem to be hiding from it.


Precisely. And exactly why we all hope he stays