The Manchester United Thread: That's It. That's the Joke (Part 1)

I may be remembering it incorrectly, but I thought it was also our fans booing him.

Don’t get United signing all these Dutch league lads. Keep signing them and they might be as good as Ajax who wouldn’t be top 6 in the prem


Dusan Tadic would easily match his Southampton tally of 6 goals a season if he came to Utd.


I wonder is Ronaldo going be stripped of pens if he somehow comes back or will ETH do this you’re not guaranteed fist shake and yet still let him take them.

Must admit, I’ve never understood why anyone would boo their own players. Only justifiable exceptions I’d say was when our fans booed El Hadji Diouf for spitting at a kid and Julian Dicks for wanton thuggery.


No, he didn’t. He got support.

Tranmere and Bury fans may have jeered him, but not Liverpool fans.


Oh really?

Yes, really. Did you even read that article? The only footage there is a video of Liverpool fans clapping him.

I go to a lot of the pre season games around the north west. Karius was supported by Liverpool fans, that’s it.


MAN! don’t be fooled by click bait headlines! :rofl:

I read the article, and it states that yes, some Liverpool fans were jeering and heckling him, whilst others tried to place the blame for that on Bury fans.

Others inside the ground said it was the bury supporters- then there is a video of our supporters clapping Karius and supporting him.
Sports bible is not a reliable source in any case.

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That’s not the reason for the booing was it though? It was because he was being a prick posting snaps on Insta like the day after all happy and smiley with another woman who wasn’t his girlfriend at the time.

So the only evidence in the article was a video of Liverpool fans supporting Karius but you’ve chosen to crack on and keep parroting the idea that Liverpool fans were jeering him.

Makes sense.



Never saw this at the time (that I can remember). Class.


I don’t like the idea of fans booing their own players. Karius had a decent spell for a while, but never world class. We needed better and we took decisive action. But in the CL final that bastard Ramos crashed into him and he was concussed, and a couple of erratic decisions and handling errors ensued. He felt the love of the Liverpool fans afterwards, and that was the right thing to do. I hope he is able to rebuild and salvage something of a career moving forward.

Harry Maguire is a strange one. I don’t like the fella. Leicester took them to the cleaners on the price. As a footballer he is limited. No mobility to speak of, positioning not great, but in a narrow set of circumstances - ball getting pumped into the box - he can head the danger clear. With fast forwards getting it down and playing on the deck around him, it’s like watching a Great Dane playing with a Jack Russell terrier.

I’m not sure what character issues there are. I know there was the fight on holiday and the bother with the police. And generally he seems to talk and carry himself like a player who thinks he is one of the top stars, but only his price tag reflects that, not his playing level.

Whatever beef the Utd fans have with him, it will not be helped by booing him. It will just become more of a thing.

So at that point, I don’t really care, as if it is a hindrance to Utd, bring it on. But generally I don’t like the booing as it is small time.


Me too. Not too hard to get the tickets for these. I was disappointed not to see a couple this pre season. I have managed to bag a couple for the Strasbourg game though with the added bonus of two free kids tickets. My two youngest Grandsons are going to get a nice surprise in about 11 days. :+1::nerd_face:


Grandpa, if one of them cries of sick…… :partying_face:


regarding the booing…

had a couple of mates go and the booing was non existant in thier area, the G is big, so that doesnt mean it didnt happen, but it mustve been isolated

youve also go to factor in this was in australia, probably 80% of spectators were just day trippers, ive never understood why we as aussies boo…its really poor taste, especially when we start booing other teams national anthems…

but it happens alot.

not sure why im giving that lot any slack, but i really dont think the booing of Mcguire should register in this instance…



A trip down memory lane…:rofl: