The Owners - FSG

The summer window was a funny one because clubs were preparing to have at least 25% attending games by October and steadily increasing as months went on and that hasnt happened. Now its increasingly likely you won’t see any fans for rest of season football league clubs have been told to expect this. So it begs the question did the club budget for having fans back by now.


To be fair other teams’ needs are nowhere near as desperate as ours. Imo we’ve thrown our hand in on the season, or more to the point FSG have. The loss of CL money will far outweigh getting someone in this month, be it permanent or on loan. I refuse to believe no-one is available on a short term deal.


That’s what I’m curious about too. It’s out of character for Levy (for example) to borrow money to make transfers, which was reported, so I’m wondering if some ownership groups counted on gate revenue into summer buys. Then, it was all taken away.

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Jurgen Klopp on transfers: “A centre-half would help 100%. I am not a five-year-old kid any more and if I don’t get what I want I start crying.” #awlfc [pa]

Klopp: “Most of the time in my life I didn’t get what I wanted. We all are pretty much used to that. And it’s not like that. I’m responsible for a big part of this football club but there are people who are responsible for the whole thing, and I cannot make their decision.”


Thing is if FSG needed a new pitcher for their rounders team they’d buy one.
They’ve done a lot of good things here but we’ve always had to sell to buy.
They are probably fucked off we brought in Thiago and Gini is still here.


I know it’s not as simple as money out minus money in equals net spend. But FSG have struck gold with Klopp. No other manager in world football could hope to come close to achieving on the pitch what Klopp does with the resources he’s been allowed to utilise. The money this season is likely fucked up due to Covid. But there is absolutely no reason the club can’t run at a loss this year. FSG have allowed us to run at losses in their early years because they knew if they starved us of investment at those delicate stages the future of their product would suffer. Because of that their club and therefore their net worth has dramatically increased in value and was strong enough Klopp was able to come in and do his magic. It seems even Klopp is frustrated that the financial breaks have been applied right when the sporting project is teetering on a cliff edge. IF it falters now then those losses they are trying to avoid/minimise are going to increase instead. If we don’t make CL it’s going to cost over £50m of next year’s revenue along with severely harming our player retention and attraction for new players. There’s also a psychological impact. The belief that this is a project going somewhere, that these players are striving to create a legacy, that everything is set for this to be a dominant and top side is fading. The backing isn’t there when it’s most needed the foundations aren’t strong. We could easily fade away for all we’ve been impressive the last few seasons. Why should players put so much into a project that isn’t even backed? That might not last? I know it seems so stupid it’s just a CB and we probably aren’t even talking a top player but the players need convincing LFC are really going for this and doing everything within their power to succeed. Otherwise why should they? This feels like a potential turning point. Klopps the best in the business, without backing we could still win the league but the feeling will, more than ever, be that he’s doing this against the odds with a club that would be nowhere without him. That’s not as appealing a destination to stay at or go to for players. I think FSG are risking losing a pound tomorrow because they aren’t willing to spend a penny today and will give the world that feeling of thriftiness. If there’s no money now when it’s most needed after years of careful management, running as low cost as possible then this is a project built on paper foundations and only Klopp being here gives it any chance of succeeding.


And it’s the Manc loving Daily Mirror. They never pass up the opportunity for a negative headline about this club.

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As fans kick off about transfers, like they always do, it’s the elephant in the room. It’s almost like we don’t want to acknowledge it because it spoils the fun.

Covid will have completely shafted our finances. And there is no prospect of fans back in stadiums this season, and I think we’re kicking off 21/22 in empty stadiums as well. As well as this TV money will be down, and I’d imagine that commercial will have taken a hit as well.


You say this with such contempt and condescension yet Klopp has gone far further to show his unhappiness at the situation than I ever thought he would.

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If you read past the click bait headlines, there is nothing to suggest Klopp does not understand and appreciate the situation we are in.


I think FSG is doing alright. It’s not their reluctance to spend that’s hurting us on the pitch.

We bought Jota and he got injured.
We bought Thiago and he got injured.
We bought Tsimikas and he got injured.
Keita is either injured or getting injured.
AOC has spent an enviable amount of time injured.
Shaqiri is a mystery.
Takumi is another mystery.
Origi is an even greater mystery.

That’s fucking EIGHT senior players barely making their mark, and not just this season alone.


I’m really disappointed actually, what we needed after such a slump which is a combination of multiple factors and not solely down to a lack of transfer, is a complete and utter shown of unity top to bottom in the club.

Not sure who has broke rank to leak the story as it clearly has, but to bring out the anti-FSG brigade at this point is just gutter trash. If its Klopp then I’m hugely disappointed in him, personally I think its his words being twisted personally, so the journalists should be ashamed.

There is zero context around loss of revenue, no linking to the facts that pretty much no club has done any business (bar a summer signing bought late - Utd, and some loans with options to buy) either.

YNWA, but only if you dont need to get your clicks up…


You forgot the lesser spotted Joel.

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I think it is almost certain, if past experience is any guide, FSG / John Henry will not sanction the purchase of a centre back in this transfer window.

The club’s loss of revenues due to the pandemic means that our cash reserves and the line of credit from the bank are probably running short so there is no surplus cash within the club to spend.

Consequently, the only way that the club could possibly enter the transfer market would be if FSG came up with the cash to do it, either in the form of a loan (with an indeterminate repayment date) or capital injection, something FSG have not done since 2014.

Since then pretty much everything* has been financed by the club’s own revenues.

As we don’t have the revenue from the club’s own resources, we are highly unlikely to be buying in this window.

*(in 2019 the intercompany loan for rebuilding the Main Stand was made interest free; £6 million previously paid by the club as interest was converted into a reduction of principal)


You have to add Matip and Lovren. It’s actually surprising that we even won things.

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It’s always OK to finish in top 4 and progress as much as we can in FA Cup and CL - maybe win one / both.

And regroup with full strength for next season and go for PL.


Perhaps the owners could release some cash for a new CB,
But I understand were they are coming from, cash will be tight thanks to no match day revenue.

Maybe cutting back on spending now will put us in a stronger position when this pandemic is over, and crowds are allowed back in stadiums

Also as some teams have higher expenditure than us, i’m looking forward to seeing how our finances are in comparison to our competitors when ever things get back to normal after the pandemic.

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I fear for this club when JK leaves, I really do. Worked miracles this last 5 years on a net spend that’s comparable with Stoke City. I’ve long since accepted how FSG want to run the club. Balancing the books is always the bottom line. John Henry even wrote us all a letter in 2012 spelling it all out. We will be clever and prudent, etc. And that’s OK. JK knew the score when he arrived and he’s happy to work within the constraints placed upon him.

At the start of this season we were on the verge of a new period of dominance in domestic football. The CB situation was a concern and JK even hinted at it before the season started, but we took a gamble and it has backfired big time. We have to do something about it. Klopp clearly thinks we need to do so. This is an exceptional situation and the guy deserves to be backed. FSG are expecting too much from him, relying on his brilliance to somehow pull something off. Matip will be fucked again soon and we have a first choice midfielder wasted at CB. I think the pressure is getting to JK. I’ve never seen him like this since he’s been at the club and it’s having a knock on effect on team performance and morale.

For fuck’s sake just get a CB in. Even on loan. It’s not just this season that’s in danger of being binned but everything that Klopp has done over the last 5 years. Give the guy a break.


You dont buy players in Major League Baseball.