The Owners - FSG

I don’t know if the gave him false hope or how he (really) feels about the owners the only thing I know for sure is that he never ever criticize them, his staff or the players in public.

Could his comments that is is fine with the squad be how he feels about them, for sure but on the other hand, I don’t take it as the gospel.


Not to mention the dodgy accounting.

But that Daily Heil headline quite clearly shows that he expected transfers!

Ignoring that the summary itself (not giving them revenue by clicking on it) says that it’s about financial stability, and ignoring the fact that multiple people have corrected him on this. Redbird invested into FSG itself, who sold equity so that they could raise some cash, which is obviously needed when you’re doing something like stadium projects. It’s not even a direct to Liverpool investment.


Where in the headline does it say he expects transfers?

He welcomes ‘security’ of investment and plans to expand Anfield doesn’t hint at transfers

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They’ll be bitters or mancs, attempting to stir things up.

Hopefully these lads are only a handful, because they’ll only ridicule themselves with such an action.


Did either of you read the quotes from Klopp? In the press conference he was asked if the Redbird investment meant we would basically be going spending and he says no but from what he understands it allows us to act normally. As in not be held back by the covid losses of the previous two financial years. Cue 3/4 months later and he’s mentioned all summer how he would like to strengthen his attacking options whenever asked yet we end the window without it happening, room on the squad to add a senior player homegrown or non homegrown and having made a profit in the window.

This summer is on the 2021-2022 accounts which are set to have normal revenue along with the increased Nike deal. Its been over 3 years since our last big splurges in transfer spending and we traditionally structured our payments over 3 years so all or nearly all of those payments are now off the books (about £50m a year in out going payments). We also won pretty much everything so you imagine any/most outstanding clauses will have been triggered and paid up. We’ve cleared the decks, resolved outgoing finances, had incoming finances return to normal and still took a cautious approach.

Whenever these questions come up you get people mentioning Barcas mess, or telling fans to go support City if they’ve the audacity to question the owners intentions. Nobody is sitting there demanding £100 million investments in players etc. everyone simply seems disappointed in one or two squad role players not being purchased or even loaned in. We should be financially stable enough to have done that.

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Tis a worthy cause, everybody. Gout is no laughing matter.


“Getting the players back makes us better already, those are our first transfers.”

“I am very happy with the squad, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t look at the market.”

“But as long as nothing happens, I am more than happy with the squad I have. I am more than happy with the players I have.”

“If you want to buy such players, you have to spend a lot of money. We do not have to do that, because the players are already here.”

“You have to make changes from time to time, but then there must be room to do it. We do not want more players. If something happens somewhere, something can happen somewhere else, but it makes no sense to add more players.”

Jurgen Klopp, Summer 2021.


“Kylian is coming. For sure, and this is cool. I told John if he doesn’t buy him I am gone.”


And we did just that.

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Clearly not or at least not in the right areas of the squad.

Wijnaldum aside, no one who left contributed in any significant way in the past couple of seasons.

Yes. And you’re still talking wham.



FSG commit to an additional £200mil or so spend on wages over the next 5 years retaining the core of a team which won the League and Champions League…

Bemoaned not signing a 5 choice attacker to sit on the bench…

Beggers belief.


This is standard for all top teams, it’s a minimum for teams that want to be at the top table. You can’t have a top side that competes for trophies without paying it as a top side. Of course our wage bill has dramatically increased from a team occasionally making CL to one consistently in the CL and challenging for major honours.


Constructive as always when people don’t agree with your viewpoints.


Klopp on rivals:

“We cannot compare to the other clubs. They obviously don’t have any limits. We have limits.”

Germans born in the Stuttgart area are famous for not being able to tell the Black Forest from the black trees, it’s a medical condition, so you need to interpret what they say.


Lovely bit of selective quoting. For the context here’s the full thing straight from the horse’s mouth

This man, of all people, looks so let down by it all.

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There won’t be any protest. There was allegedly one planned before the Chelsea game. 4 pm outside the ground. No one was there.

Liverpool fans are probably the most militant in the country (at least the ones who are actually from Liverpool) but I can’t see there ever being any serious protests against them. They are not obviously evil or corrupt like Hicks and Gillet. They are just very risk-averse and a bit tone-deaf, both of which riles people but not in a way that makes anyone want to get the pitchforks out.

This obviously wasn’t a stellar transfer window and it won’t win them any new fans. It may lose them a few who have previously been supportive but the only way I can see things getting more heated is if we don’t make a good start to the season or pick up injuries.