The Owners - FSG

We made a loss. We should be clear about that. The positivity around the results is merely that they were not as bad as some other clubs who chose to (or rather, needed to) continue chasing signings.

We’re in a relatively strong position now to kick on, but that is largely because of the restraint shown.

And you say that others have odd takes.

It’s worth remembering that the hindsight-ism you show was not available to the club at the time those decisions were taken. The pandemic did not have a fixed end date. When the club were deciding replacing Lovren was a step too far, we didn’t know when fans were going to be allowed back in or when football, and the economy that props it up, was going to return to something like normal. Liverpool lost something like £100m in revenue through the stadium closures. But beyond that, it was interesting to note that the Nike deal did not uplift commercial revenue beyond what New Balance provided. The analysis I have read suggests that is mostly down to the fact that economies were effectively closed and people were simply unable or unwilling to buy a shirt due to the pandemic.

The other thing to remember is that the centre back injuries that turn a slight gamble into an outright crisis are incredible unfortunate. To lose all our centre backs, and all the lads who could cover centre back, at the same time is not something that can be reasonably planned for.

While we can look back and say we probably should have got a Centre Back, the information that allows us to make that hindsight analysis simply wasn’t there at the time. We don’t know we are going to suffer the worst injury crisis anyone can remember. We don’t know there is an end in sight to the pandemic.

And the other contextual information you are missing is that we’d just won the league by twenty fucking points. If there is anything that says we can afford to delay investment until things pick up, it’s that.

As for Klopp’s public tantrum? Hardly.

Firstly, shithouse pluralisation of his comment. One player. Not ‘players’. Let’s get this stuff right.

So there are two ways to take Klopp’s comment. At face value, or like so often in football, with a view to longer game.

At face value, he said that he would have like to get a centre back, but he could understand the financial situation. That’s hardly tipping over tables, is it? It’s a manager who fully understands that there are bigger concerns that the football side of things, and the middle of a pandemic, with no certainty around revenue, is not the time to have a strop about money.

Thinking about the wider context, what was the end result of Klopp’s comments about the clubs poverty? We got a centre back on loan that we’d been quoted £30m for in the summer. I think that’s a result, personally. I still believe that what managers say in press conferences are usually designed to serve an agenda.

*~ Jurgen, are you planning to get a CB before the end of the window. *

~ Yeah, we’ve got some money to spend, but the lad we really want isn’t available until the summer. We’re hoping some chump club can be persuade to let us have someone on loan until then.

We can be pretty sure the club were always planning to get Konate when they did. We’ve been over this before, but we know the club line up targets years in advance, and the decision to not move for a centre back in the summer of 2020 is just as likely to be a case of having to wait for the lad they want as it is being tight arsed.

Maybe not silly, but you should have the self-awareness to understand that criticising them on the basis of what you know now versus what they knew then, is hardly fair.

From where we are now, I think it looks like FSG handled things really well and have got us in a brilliant position to push on.


I think there were some doubts, but it was more like ‘not sure…Dortmund didn’t have the best season…’. I don’t think there was anyone completely Anti-Klopp.

Which still wouldn’t have mattered if those two teams didn’t collapse at the end of their seasons. That was 100% outside our control and even though Klopp did perform heroics we still would have finished 5th if those teams had maintained their form.

And that would have been unfortunate. But I don’t think buying a centre back we didn’t really want a couple of weeks earlier than we did was really going to change that.


We would have spent more on the academy and training ground and stadium that that loss, all things that are allowed to be done under FFP as they improve the value of what you own. What they own improving in value had led to them recouping hundreds of millions and buying another sports product.

But by the January, when only Matip was left and Klopp was denied his request 100% predictable.

I’ve been taking pelters for this view since that January because apparently we were going to be announcing hundreds of millions in losses. I had my intelligence and understanding of it questioned over and over again.

…because they were lucky that both Leicester and Chelsea collapsed at the end of the season after gery strong form (outside our/their control) whilst Klopp was able to provide miracles with inferior tools (which was the gamble they were able to have some insight on). Even being right on the brilliance of Klopp it wasn’t enough without outside fortune and would have cost us near £100 m in combined revenues if they’d been wrong.

No way that was what would have happened. We are the best at identifying talent. When we have actual money for fees at least.

But they did fall away so you’re arguing ‘what ifs’ against what actually happened. We still had to put that run together to take advantage of those collapses. We don’t know how the pressure we applied affected those two teams.

But what we do know is we made CL football. We navigated a very tricky period without panicking or resorting to gambling future revenue on short term thinking. We’ve been able to get the players we wanted since. We’re in a very healthy position compared to a lot of our competition. And we’re competing on four fronts.

If that’s a negative outcome from the most uncertain periods in recent memory then fuck knows what you’d think of the likes of Spurs and Arsenal.


Overall losses and lost revenue are two different things. 95% lost match day revenue and stagnant commercial revenue as a direct result of Covid. So yeah, significant lost revenue.

But they’re having to make decisions before they know what these figures are actually going to be.

So in hindsight, maybe the losses weren’t as bad as feared but at the time they didn’t have the benefit of this information on which to base their decisions. The decision to be cautious has undoubtedly proven to be the correct one though.


And why our losses are not as bad as they could have been.


This is Trumpian.

Klopp wasn’t denied his request. The club brought in Kabak on loan.

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Yes we are. And often that means we wait for the player we’ve identified. We don’t shit the bed and just sign bodies.




Its sometimes forgotten because of how bad that season got that at the start of January we were top of the league, still in the Champions League and the FA Cup. There is no logic to saying success this season is only possible due to hardship last season. A Konate or similar (and we don’t even know for sure that he himself definitely wasn’t available) coming in that January could have led to silverware. Klopp has said thats what he recommended its what a lot of us asked for. We’ve seen this winter that (as much as people try to justify not doing it) Klopps teams aren’t immune to the beneficial boost of an exciting new signing. A CB coming in could even have meant more rest and recuperation. And no Ben Davies and Kabak on loan really don’t count for anyone arguing as to the fact we did get CBs in.

Nobody wants that but youre being unfair limiting it to that option and you know it.

I feel so sorry for the owners. They only increased their money by hundreds of millions while we tightened our belt when we had legitimate chance of silverware.

The club has shown over and over again, to enormous success, that we will wait to sign the players we want. We don’t accept second best, and we certainly to use recruitment to solve short term problems. We will also move quickly and decisively when an opportunity comes up.

If Konate had been available in January I think we’d have bought him.

Hasn’t it occurred to you that you are completely contradicting yourself. You have said the recruitment at the club is the best in the game. It is. You are also using this as a reason for them to act completely antithetical to all the behaviours that have made them the best in the game.


Come on guys, if he hasn’t understood the last 14 times of having it explained, he won’t get it this time either.


I don’t understand criticizing the owners for what might have happened, rather than what did.


Thought I went back in time there reading through my unread posts. @AnfieldRdDreamer I’ve got alot of time for you bud but we’ve been through these same points more times than I can count and it seems to be one that you simply refuse to be malleable on. Perhaps time to give it a rest, maybe?


Why should he, he is not footing this board with the same Twitter messages. He is expressing his opinion about the owners and how they run this club. I don’t always agree with him but sometimes he has a point. If we all express the same opinion it would get rather boring don’t you think.

IMHO @AnfieldRdDreamer provides us with a different view that he brings quite eloquent and never rude. I hope he keeps on doing that.