The Owners - FSG

Using it to pay off the injury witch to get her to stay away?

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Well if itā€™s that, then he doesnā€™t do a great job of it to say the leastā€¦ :thinking:

Nah,I think itā€™s just Kloppo der Schwabe*: likes to accumulate all that gold and play with it, but doesnā€™t want to spend anything. :wink:

(* they are notorious for being as tight-assed as it gets.)

Heā€™s got to outbid the oil clubs!

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There is always money available for the right signing. Thatā€™s my point. We can buy players, if it makes sense from a financial point of view and if that player is worth adding.

Iā€™ll stress that last point, because the club and Kloppā€™s view on whether a person player is worth adding, and the fans view, seem to be miles apart.


Is the Injury Witch any relation to the Anfield Banshee? The one screaming ā€˜FORWARDā€™ over the top of any commentary? Iā€™d pay to get rid of her.


Weā€™ve become a bit weaker at selling I feel or weā€™re just not finding the mugs we once did. If you think weā€™ve seen Can, Markovic, Chirivella, Clyne, Lallana, Larouchi, Gini and Origi all leave on bosmans in Klopps time. Plus weā€™ve Ox, Keita and Firmino (Milner too but heā€™s probably got no sale value) currently in that position for next summer and Mane going with just one year left then thatā€™s an awful lot of potential fees walking out the door for nothing or less than full market value.

Sure, we need buyers for these and the likes of Clyne and Markovic were pretty much dead weight weā€™d get nothing for. But, if selling is key to our purchasing power then we really need to make sure decisions are being made on new contracts or moving players on before we get to the final year of their existing deals, even if that does mean taking a bit of a hit on the fees.

Wijnaldum is a good example. We sell him the summer before and we could probably have got Ā£20m for him at least, plus saving his Ā£4.5m a year wages and that could have gone towards replacing him. As it is, we got another year from him at a cost of Ā£4.5m and then nothing extra in the pot.

Wonder what we could have got if weā€™d actively looked to move on some or all of Ox, Keita and Firmino this summer and used that money to go after a more reliable midfield option.


You could also add Loris Karius to that list. To sell a player you need a prospective buyer and willing player.

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In hindsight yes but we thought theyā€™d be all contributing on the pitch. We just sold three strikers, canā€™t afford to sell Bobby too (I know now it looks like heā€™s not contributing) and depend purely on Carvalho.

Also, and I keep coming back to this, we were ready to buy Tchouameni in addition to Darwin. So the money is surely there


Iā€™m not thinking the actual outgoing business would have been the same had we had a focus on moving those guys on. Could have held onto Taki if Firmino had gone for example.

Really though, the point is more about the higher than average number of first team players we seem to be comfortable letting go on frees rather than pushing a move for them one to two years out from their contract end if they arenā€™t looking like signing a new deal.

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If we were more inclined to take that approach it may also further encourage players to agree extensions when offered, if they knew we were more likely to look to move them on if they didnā€™t.

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How do you know this?

We moved for Darwin after the Tchouameni deal fell through.

Having known for a year that ManƩ was leaving, are you saying we would have been okay to not sign another forward had we indeed been able to sign Tchouameni?

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Itā€™s not about what I think (although for what itā€™s worth, my shopping list for the summer was forward, midfielder and right back)

Iā€™ve just seen people say that the funds were there to sign another player alongside Darwin, just based on the fact that we went for Tchouameni.

Maybe weā€™d have signed Darwin anyway. Or maybe weā€™d have added a forward in the 20m bracket. Or maybe weā€™d have kept Minamino?

Remember when we didnā€™t have any money for a defender and yet stumped up about 20m only for Marseille to back track when the guy was on a plane.

The money is available, same goes for Diaz, if this was rigid then that deal doesnā€™t happen. Klopp had spent his assumed 40m on Konate for that year.


To replace ManƩ?! Someone who was integral to how we play?

We know Minamino is not strong/inventive/rapid/influential enough to be a straight ManĆ© replacement. Unless you know any, I canā€™t see an up-and-comer THAT talented that would be so cheap

Btw @Mascot i hope you know this is just an academic discussion, I have no point to prove, nor do I have any info we all donā€™t already have.

Fucking hell itā€™s wild out there. Social media is full of absolute knicker pissing chicken littles. They fucking love it when weā€™re struggling. Gives them a chance to show how good they are on football manager.

Itā€™s always - how can I put this diplomatically - the newer generation of global fan? Jumped aboard when we started winning, and have never seen us struggle. I saw one lad two footing Klopp and claiming he is washed up. Profile said he supports Liverpool and Spurs. And heā€™s got the nerve to talk about how ā€˜us redsā€™ deserve better.

I got stuck in to one lad who said it was a scandal that we didnā€™t sign a player the summer after we won the league. I mean, harsh on the three lads we did sign.


Oh mate, for your sanity stay the fuck away from the socials this week. Forget responding to them, even reading the first sentences will drive you nuts.

There are global ā€œfansā€ who zealously defend Barcelonaā€™s deplorable behaviour. With a straight face.

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Iā€™ve seen them. Itā€™s hilarious.

I assumed that Diaz was signed as a ManƩ replacement.

In truth, we can only sign those players that are realistically available. There really isnā€™t any point in signing a mediocre player for the sake of it unless we are really up shit creek. I suppose we did that with Ben Davies a couple of seasons back but in the end we relied, actually quite successfully, on Nat Phillips and Rhys Williams.


You have not seen anything yet all of a sudden United has around 5 million new supporters and guess where they are coming from ā€¦ Fucking Amsterdam if I did not hate that shite city enough!