The Owners - FSG

Just a bunch of Wums.

Saw one tweet claiming that 1 x CL and 1 x PL in 8 years under Klopp isn’t good enough - and pushing for Potter instead. That tweet had a lot of likes/re-tweets - mad heads.

Best to ignore.


One of my fav cities in Europe - love it there for a long weekend away.

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He could have saved a few letters by just saying cunt.

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We can’t be sure that if we’d bought Tchouameni we’d have definitely still bought Nunez. Mane was replaced by Diaz, who is now playing in his old position. Not going big on a midfielder may have allowed us to spend more on an attacker to replace Origi/Minamino. There’s no guarantee the money is there to buy the midfielder that JK might want or, more likely, that there is room on the wage bill without selling someone first.

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Thats it, I put you on ignore … :see_no_evil:

My assumption was we were getting less joy out of Mané out wide so in the next evolution of the forward line he’d move central (as he did to great effect).

You may be right given the club knew a year ago that Sadio was leaving.

And Darwin would be giving us another different set of abilities as well as pick up the slack from Takinand Divock leaving.


Before you block me - what about Dam do you dislike so much?

The people, never seen such a bunch of arrogant cunts in your lifetime with their imbecile accent and their we know best for the rest of the country/Europe/World. It is an overcrowded shit hole full with small and even more big rats. Fuck them and the high horses they came riding in. The only good thing in that shite hole are the roads that lead to somewhere else.

Oh and I fucking hate ajax if possible even more.

I guess I am being pedantic here but you state this as fact. How do you know?

The irony of all this talk of signing someone if we had signed Tchouameni it’s unlikely he was starting many of the 3 games so far this season, and based on us vacating the entire center of the pitch with some utterly baffling tactical set ups he’d be made to look like a peak Igor Biscan (sorry ZB) and the same fans would calling our Ward for buying rubbish!

Because what counts as the right signing will always be in flux :rofl:

This announcement was brought to you by VVV Den Haag.

Incidentally, what is your impression of Rotterdam? Is it more than just a giant chemical plant with a container port attached?

You could also be describing Manchester.


I should have said in my opinion, and as far as I can see from observing how the club works. Also, I suppose within reason too.

Basically, my point is that the decision to bring in a player isn’t a matter of how much money we have in the bank, it’s about what the player brings, his old they are, can they add real quality to the team etc. If those boxes are ticked then the money will be found. I’m a bit rubbish with money, but there is nothing in our accounts as far as I can see, that makes me think that we couldn’t find cash to sign a good player if we wanted/needed to.

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:star_struck: :star_struck:

Our German ‘friends’ (don’t get me wrong the old ones not the new) ripped the heart out of that city so it is a different place not as nice as The Hague is but it is oké. The people are much nicer, more levelheaded and they hate fucking Amsterdam too. :muscle:

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I’m still confused about that. What was our intention?

No idea. That’s the problem.

I’m fine with us having dips and losing games, if I can see what we’re trying to do. I genuinely have no idea what the plan was on Monday night. Not a dickiebird

My point is stick Tchouameni or Bellingham in our midfield in the last 3 games does the result change? Unlikely, we as a team are off the boil and tactically set up badly. We need a Thiago replacement, which neither of those two actually are…

Could it be that it was the way the mancs were set up which lead our players finishing up into those weird positions? Otherwise I’ve no clue to be honest.

Could it simply be that Klopp fucked up? We all have a mare at work occasionally, doesn’t matter how much we’re paid. Throws brain surgery into sharp relief for sure!