The Owners - FSG

Caicedo Jude and a new striker would cost around 150m, maybe more.

How do you see us spending that without getting sales in for anyone (seeing as we’ve never done it under FSG?) Cutting the wages of a few players won’t cut it.

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See you are waving your FSG fan club flag again :laughing: Whoever dares to voice even a hint of criticism toward the owners seemingly goes beyond the pale in your book. Getting a bit boring now.

I genuinely think that FSG have been generally very good for this club, but I’ve never given them my total blind support. They aren’t perfect and they do make mistakes. I happen to think that they’ve made a pig’s ear of this one is all.

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We spent around £160m in the 18-19 season and got back around £30m if I remember correctly. We were also in for Fekir for £50m so we would have spent more than what you say it will cost us to get Bellingham and Caicedo.

Who do you think we will setl? By the way, I am not an FSG apologist. They run us fairly well but they could do more.

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Aye, wages have become far more a measure of personnel expenditure than transfer fees. It costs money to keep a succesful side togeher and the club have backed the team by authorizing those contracts. Moving on any of this group, not to mention getting the size of it down closer to what Klopp would prefer (so we dont have senior players unable to even make the bench) opens up a lot more room to bring in new players than simply raising money by selling one does.

Fans in general dont seem to have taken that on board though and the press certainly havent. It boggles the mind how bad you can be at your job to treat City’s acquisition of Halaand as a cheap one because the reported fee to Dortmund was only 60 million.


If we had landed Jude or Tchouimaini this summer, do you think that would have been recovered with sales?

No I asked you for your reasons why, otherwise your comment is pointless. “A pigs ear” based on what? What could they have done better?

I gave my reasons why I think this window has been good for the club.

Oh yeah 100% except we do the sales before buying a player like that.

The facts are we didn’t because we had no one to balance with.

We couldn’t even land Nunes for half of what Jude/Tchuaomeni would go/went for, owners or the little puppet man told Klopp wasn’t possible. So we got Melo on loan.

You say facts but I’m confused, what facts are you stating?

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Whatever facts I say people are going to come back with counter arguments.

Fact is we spent 10m net this summer which was the 4th lowest of any club in the Prem after Brentford Leicester and Leeds.

And this is the part where people will respond with “oh but…”

Well yes, often the existence of facts that provide counter arguments display the weakness of the argument. Such as, City made a profit of about 60 million quid this summer in terms of player movement.


FSG are middle of the road and not much more. Fifth or so highest revenues in Europe and the distinct lack of investment in the team is telling. While many think the club is well run, I’m not so sure. The club is too cautious at times, too slow to improve the team and far too slow in getting rid of certain players. Players who’re just not at the required level.

As for this season, anything short of the league or champions league will be failure.


You can’t argue against a fact.

That’s the whole point of them.


Course you can, people do it all the time.

We drew 0-0 at Everton earlier this afternoon.

“Oh yeah but not for Pickford, we win 5-0”

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Try to learn the difference between a fact and a hypothetical.

You might live longer.


Apologies in advance for not being as intellectual as you and thus will not live past the days you do.

No apology needed for a factual statement.


Actually until it’s happened this is a hypothetical statement and not a factual one

Just been listening to a podcast about the impending energy crisis in the UK, I knowany of you on here will be directly impacted especially those of you who small business owners.

Honestly it just sounds apocalyptic. Surely some help will have to come from the government but it all sounds like it will be way too little and far too late. 7/10 pubs will be gone by this winter according to Greater Manchester Council estimations. Think about the impact on daycares, schools, restaurants, care homes, sports centres etc. Some of them facing 700% increases in their energy bills. It’s scary.

Anyway, I think in light of hearing about this I really wish that FSG would take the lead in supporting the local area and economy. No doubt the club does things already but it seems even more pertinent to make the presence of the club (and Everton) felt in any way possible.

The transfer window has been obsene when viewed in contrast to the impending cost of living crisis the UK.

I don’t actually expect them - or any other club - to do anything substantial, but they should.


It’s going break some clubs further down surely. And yet there seems no idea on how to improve the situation.

The PL is a bubble but when gaps in the crowd start to appeal what then?

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Ive heard teams in League 1 and 2 may refuse to have night matches. As the are classed as business they are not covered under the energy cap so saying lighting up stadiums is going to be a fortune.