The Owners - FSG

Yet here we are engaging & debating.

Your turn.

Well clearly he wasn’t totally happy because we tried to sign Tchouameni. I don’t think we pulled out or Klopp said no to the deal, I think he chose Madrid.

What happens from there, we’ll never know for sure but clearly there was a desire and a willingness from everyone across the club, Klopp, Ward and FSG to do that deal. I think it’s then highly unlikely FSG turn round to Klopp and say they understand the need for a new midfielder but because we didn’t get that one, they won’t sanction him spending any money on anyone else.

I don’t get what you’re arguing here. You think Klopp was offered one and said no or that having tried for a world class midfielder FSG then put the money back in the piggy bank and told him to get by on what he has?

He said he was happy after Tchouameni went to Madrid. Clearly there was a desire to bring in the lad but we missed out. As you point out, our business is meticulously planned. Maybe they’d decided they’d go for him as he was clearly on the move this summer and having not got him, they’d bide their time.

It’s something I’ve criticised the club for this summer as I think we should have got one but at no point has there been any indication from Klopp that it was anything but his decision. If he wanted it to be known he was being denied what he needed he could have done. Would the club sack him for that given all the positive things you highlighted? Doubtful.


Troll level 100 I see.

I’ve tried and given up - on to the next TAN person who can be bothered with the childish antics.

The whole point of a forums is to have an open discussion on the subjects you want to discuss.

Abiding by the rules, you’re free to say what you want…I’m not stopping you or anyone else from debating anything so these childish antics you speak of, an example of that is saying “I feel there’s no need for anyone to come back to me on it.”

You can’t possibly say how I feel about anything, only I can dictate that and vice versa.

I think you’re confusing desire and need. It could well (and may probably) have been that we had the opportunity to bring in a really good midfielder whom Jürgen saw potential in as a long-term fixture of the team. Would have meant reducing Milner’s minutes, but we know that Milner wasn’t meant to play much anyway, and that his value to the team comes a lot in the mentality, professionalism, and leadership that he brings.

Tchouameni doesn’t come in, no problem, we like the squad we have, and we have the option to pay for whatever next opportunistic transfer there is available out there. It’s like the Minamino transfer, but with different expectations of their potential and immediate value. Could do with, could do without.

Fans keep saying back the manager.

Does the manager actually want more backing?

Well what do you read from “Let me say it like this, at times I’d be willing to risk more.”

“At times” which comes across as Klopp expressing his desires in the past as well…whether the message isn’t being passed onto John correctly or maybe a loss in translation along the way it’s clear Klopp isn’t 100% satisfied with the squad.

He wants to play one at the back. :smile:

But Klopp doesn’t need to assert his position on the squad anywhere near as robustly as he does earlier in the summer. I can understand the political necessity to not overtly criticise the owners. I can’t understand Klopp tearing a strip of anyone who suggested the squad might be in need of a bit of quality.

This might just sum it all up perfectly.

Klopp has a desire to buy a midfielder but not just anyone.

Some fans saw it as a need to buy a midfielder, even if it’s not the perfect one.

Because of the injuries, Klopp has shifted from desire to need and filled that need with a short term option.

Not sure where FSG fit into the debate really. Until Klopp says he’s not getting what he wants then what’s the issue? For a bloke who has apparently been starved of resources, he didn’t half seem pleased to sign that new contract last season. FSG not too tight to stump up the reported £15m quid a year for him.

We spent a load of cash. The fact we recouped a load too is a good thing. But, that is providing when he does want to go big and we can’t raise a load from sales that there’s backing there for him. That time for judgement will surely come next summer.


For once, we’re actually not too far apart on this issue.

Firstly we need to be careful about overanalysing every word of a man speaking in a second language.

To be honest, the telling thing about Klopp’s risk comment is not what he says, but when he says it.

That comment is made something like two days before the transfer window closes, a few days after Klopp says he was wrong about not signing a midfielder, and following a summer of Jurgen tongue lashing anyone who asked about buying a midfielder.

If Klopp is asking Henry to get his wallet out, my question to Klopp would be ‘why have you waited until the window is about to close after spending the whole summer getting really fucking annoyed at anyone who has said we might need a midfielder’.

Personally, I don’t think Klopp is talking about funds. I think he is talking about taking more risks in the profile of the payer we will move for, which should be of interest to @rab. We’ve spent all summer having a back and forth about this, where Rab has said the idea that there are only a couple of players that would improve the team is nonsense, and I have argued that should wait to get the perfect player.

I think this slight expression of frustration from Klopp might be him agreeing with Rab more than he would agree with me.

I think it’s clear that the last few years have seen us really narrow the pool of players that the club view as being viable targets. I think Tchouameni was seen as one, as is Bellingham. But as neither were available, we’re not going to get a lesser option.

I wonder if Klopp is saying that we need to widen the scope a little, players don’t have to be perfect, and he backs himself and his coaches to take players to the next level. Where as the analysis side is focussed on getting the perfect player.

It might even be a nod to a risky signing like someone who is not getting games, have fallen a bit in reputation, but there is a good player there with the right support and coaching. Some like Arthur Melo, who we then do in fact sign.


Is that not precisely his remit?

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Perhaps I’m not understanding you properly, but no, I’m not sure it is.

The identification and profiling of players is not done by Klopp.

If we spent a bit more money would we get better fans?

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All evidence points to the contrary. The fans of all the big money clubs are megacunts.


Well, not all evidence. We seem to have a few whiny bastards when we’re not throwing money about the place willy nilly.

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Net spend by itself doesn’t say anything about changes in quality, only whether more has been spent than raised from sales - which can have a good or bad outcome depending on the underlying factors.

It is also based on guestimates which often wont include effect of taxes, wages and agents fees so isnt entirely accurate.

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Klopp asked if he feels he’s been backed by Liverpool’s owners

“Yeah. Let me say it like this; from time to time I’d be ready to risk a bit more. But how I said I don’t decide that and that’s then fine, because I’m like this.”

The question was being asked specifically about the backing from the owners. I don’t think we can relate his comments to anything else other than the owners. The way he said it he looked a bit uncomfortable as well like he was caught out. I think its hard to sell that as anything but a contradiction to everything he said earlier in the summer, and most other summer’s for that matter.

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I think @prolix is suggesting that Klopp’s input helps shape some the parameters for identifying and profiling. I wouldnt have thought the process would be overly rigid so as to ignore feedback of that sort without giving it some consideration first.

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