The Owners - FSG

He looks annoyed that he’s being asked about it more than anything else. The immediate context of his answer was that there’s a structure, there are always discussions. We don’t know what kind of risk he wanted to take. Higher spending than what we rate a player’s value to be? Signing someone outside our usual profile? Risking our season by playing kids instead of signing someone?


smackdown live what GIF by WWE


always good to hear the entire sequence, not just his response to a question we have not heard. I don’t like editing out of context.

we’ve seen this question asked before and his is the same response. more “we” than “I”, and it’s a private group discussion. He’s not going to go against the wishes of the owners but I think his opinion is validated within that group or he wouldn’t have signed the extension.

people need to stop digging for dirt that’s not there, it’s rediculous. they’d signed Nunez, tried to sign Tchouameni (including Klopp flying to Monaco to meet him) and then Real came knocking with probably double the salary offer. they had to look at alternative options and Melo was the answer and likely nobody else on their list was available.

that’s how I see it. we’ll see if January holds anything and if/when we get some of the injured players back.


Do you know where in the video it is? I had a look quickly earlier but couldn’t find it. I just want to know whether his answer is a direct response to the question “do you feel backed by the owners?” or not…

Apologies, I thought the link included a time embedding. It’s towards the end, I believe around 18:34, if I remember correctly.

To answer the question, it was not a direct response, he was talking about their working relationship, and pointed out that even if there was a problem neither party would talk about it to the press, and he certainly wouldn’t be starting it in that moment. Then he said, sometimes he would like to take a little more risks, but it’s not a problem.

Don’t trust my memory of it though, I strongly encourage anyone reading this to watch that themselves. Of course we’ll all have our prior beliefs about the situation, and this can only influence it so much, but my memory/retelling of it will also be affected by my prior beliefs.

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I found it. Of course on the 18 minute mark of a 20 min fucking video, with me skipping every 5 seconds.

Yep he definitely wasn’t having a go at the owners.

Klopp mentioned earlier in the interview “we are told what is and isn’t possible and we [work around that]”
When the reporter later - of course picked up on this again: “Jurgen, when you get told what is possible and what isnt possible in the market”
Klopp interrupting while chuckling: “That’s interesting that I don’t dislike that” (working within our means)
Reporter continuing: “Do you feel you have been backed sufficiently?”
Klopp’s instant response: “Yeah.” Chuckles. “What does it mean ‘backed’?”… "Was it always easy? No. Do we discuss these things in public? Of course NOT!. Let me say it like this; from time to time I’d be ready to risk a bit more. But how I said I don’t decide that and that’s then fine, because I’m like this.” (I assume he meant I like this given he mentioned just before how he likes working within the club’s means).

So I think we really need to drop this thinking. We work within a budget. Klopp likes working within said budget (maybe he feels less pressure on his shoulders to get it right?) Occasionally he would like to risk more (and I still feel this is related to funding given the question). But of course he wants to continue working within the same setup.

The above isn’t admitting he is not backed. It just means we work within our means. I would like an extra £5000k floating around in my bank account. Doesn’t mean i’m going to give lack of said funds more than a second of thought.

Time to drop this.

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The full exchange was helpfully copied out on another forum.

James Pearce: You mentioned there you get told what is possible and what is not possible in the market.

Klopp: Yes, it’s interesting, yeah, that I don’t decide that.

JP: Do you feel you have been backed sufficiently?

Klopp: Yeah, yeah. What, this summer?

JP: Yes this summer.

Klopp: What does it mean ‘backed’? What I don’t like about it is I say now ‘I’m not sure’ and we make a massive thing of it but it’s not. I realise as well it was always like this. Was it always easy? No. Do we discuss these things in public? Of course not. Why would we? We don’t start now with it. Let me say it like this, from time to time I would be ready to risk a bit more but, it’s how I said, I don’t decide that and that’s then fine because I’m like this, we try everything until somebody tells us that we cannot do anything any more and from that moment I don’t think one second back and that’s what we have to all do then. Let’s go from there. Let’s make something special of this team now.


Can’t believe this is still a subject.

By all accounts we bid £80mil for Tchouameni, £86mil for Bellingham, £80mil for Valverde and £50mil + for Caicedo at the end of the window.

So our net spend could have gone drastically up if any of those 4 deals got agreed, and the last 3 were after we signed Nunez.

Money was there. Is there… For the right player.


If they didn’t repo the LFC mug that was used in the fireside chat, then yes, fucking shit.

I think we get better fans when we win; although then we start getting the entitled cunts who keep banging on about winning the PL and not celebrating second. Although I’d argue that at least one of these would be far more sanguine about seasons like this one if we had another PL in the bag to show for our brilliance/ or cheaty weren’t around.

You can’t tar whole fanbases with the same brush. I know fans from quite a few EPL clubs and away from a match or watching a match in a pub you can sit and chat football with them. I’ve found (and this is only my experience) that younger fans tend to be more vitriolic and nasty in footy related interactions. I’m not tarring ALL of young fans either. I know lots of sound younger fans too.

As for “big money clubs”? Do you mean City, Chelsea and Newcastle or the top six? Again, I know fans of Arsenal, Spurs, Chelsea, City, Utd etc. I know two Spurs fans and two Arsenal fans. They show the best and worst of their respective fanbases. There’s one good and one bad from each pairing. As for City, Mrs CDO and my mate Bobbeh are two of the nicest people you’ll meet. But being around some other City fans when I take them to tge game makes me cringe.



Well put, mate. :+1:

Football fans are representative of any subset of a population: however you divide people up, be it by race, nationality, educational attainment, or whatever, you will have a majority of nice people and a minority of arseholes. Note that I am talking about personality here, not any other trait, and that political affiliation is an outlier: you’re unlikely to find many “nice” neo-Nazis.

The fact that many football fans tend to have a few drinks only brings out the worse in them, as does the security of being in a crowd. When they’re backed up by others, some people say things they would never say if they were on their own.

I know supporters of many clubs- my best friend is a Man U fan and my sister and brother in law both support Arsenal, for example- and not one of them is a “megacunt”. If they were, I’d disown them.


Many fans like a drink, it might bring out the worse in SOME of them. Drinking does not always bring the worst out in people. How many people at a sports event are drunk? A few beers and a little merry maybe but the worst? Sorry mate, can’t agree here.

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Fair enough; perhaps I could have phrased it better. Excess consumption of alcohol brings out the worst in a small minority. :+1:


These conversations are too often unnecessarily black and white. When you have a successful team you should rarely be making moves to fill immediate needs. What we know is we pursued a young prospect, failed to get the deal done and then did nothing in response with Klopp publicly declaring he was happy with what he had, to the point of outward frustration over the continued questions. That really leaves 2 explanations

  • Klopp felt we needed a CM now and thought this kid was the only player good enough and available and then resigned himself to go ahead into a season in which there were massive expectation with a group he didn’t think were sufficient, and then lied to the fans about his faith in everyone

  • One of the top targets we’d identified for helping the team evolve into what it needs to be in the next couple of years was thought to be available this summer and so we moved due to that opportunity rather than because there was an immediate need to fill a spot.

We don’t know for sure, and even information that gets reported has to be viewed skeptically in terms of whose agenda is trying to be advanced. If someone wants to argue they believe scenario 1 then fair enough, I just find it odd that so many people present it as a demonstrated truth when it isnt, and to get there you have to jump through so many more hoops than you do with the much more explainable scenario 2.


We earned £152 million from Premier League last season. Surely our earnings from Champions League will be close to £100 million as well.

Bugs Bunny Money GIF by Looney Tunes

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Interested Jurassic Park GIF by Vidiots

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Having already bought all the good players in Portugal, Julian Ward has run out of ways to show off he can negotiate in fluent Portuguese. So he’s now persuading FSG to buy a Brazilian club so he can negotiate deals for them too. Then he can sell those Brazilian based Portuguese speaking players at Atletico Mineiro to clubs in Portugal and then buy them from there for Liverpool a couple years later.

Whatever the Portuguese for ‘3D chess’ is, that man is playing it.


Isn’t that the club Ronaldinho came from? One of the best in Brazil?

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