The Owners - FSG

Does this mean we will not be doing any business in January, if we end up in the midst of due diligence process :frowning: ?

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John saw the CL draw and thought fuck it.

I look forward to seeing the reaction to this on social media in the coming days. Going to be some really level headed discussion I reckon.


Yeah I do agree on that point.

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My guess (and I am not surprised at all about this news): We sre struggling, our squad is not good enough. It needs investment, add this to the problem of several powerful owners of other EPL clubs, and Fenway likely doesn’t want to compete with them in spending. We have to remember, Fenway is here primarily to earn money on Liverpool. If Liverpool has to spend too much to compete it would probably be natural to sell if there are decent buyers.

I am absolutely not surprised and I for one have never fetihised Fenway or the venture capitalist who owns us either (he isn’t a fan and when the running of the club becomes less profitable, it must be natural to bail for such people).


There is a curse “May you live in interesting times”

This will be “fun”

I’ll always be a Liverpool fan whoever owns us. But I foresee a hell of a backlash, protests and massive social movement if the new owners are anybody but Liverpool fans with deep pockets. Oil money will be bad, very bad. Please stay Jurgen.

That is a fucking great film btw :+1:

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Who exists that is that though.

The club ownership is coming from one of two places it’s the Middle East or America.

The Monday evening suddenly got really interesting.

Agreed. Getting in a dictatorship would be a lot worse. I would’t be a fan any longer then certainly.
But hopefully it won’t come to that.

Same. I’d drift away from the game I think.


Nobody. Better the devil you know.


I am not sure there are many except the oil rich dodgy funds who can afford to buy Liverpool outright. Redbird’s investment last year was based on a 5 billion pounds valuation. Anyone who wants to buy 100% of us would have to go alot more than that. I think FSG are not interested to sell outright 100% but rather to keep diluting their shareholding with high valuations.

Two things, firstly, RedBird valuation was for FSG, not just Liverpool. Secondly, that valuation for FSG was 7b.


Saw it coming although the statement doesn’t give much away, said it months ago it wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually sold up. They wouldv’e drawn out a list of goals they wanted to achieve from an owners perspective at the club in 10 years and credit to them they’ve done it all. Probably don’t have anything left to give and taken us as far as we can go, 300m or whatever they bought us for…get a nice little 2bill sale and go off into the sunset and onto new ambitions/investments.

Gimme that oil money

The fans would kick them out before they even walked through the gates.

This was Red Bird back in May, the Milan buy does confuse matters like but.

If FSG are part selling then I expect they become potential for co owners if they are selling out right it is unlikely.

Disagree here with that notion. This is probably actually a problem. Why ? Because the sqaud is in dire need of investment and if Fenway wants to distance itselt and would actually like to sell, it would be incredibly naive to think they will be willing to spend big on the way out. Mostly it would involve us having to sell one of our best players to bring in a very good player. A bit like it has been recently, but perhaps with more restrictions.
I hope they find a buyer and that it is a buyer one does not need to be ashamed of, or worse.

Why on earth would you think that?

Have a good look around football and tell me which kind of prospective owner you would be up for?


It’s a bit click-baity that tweet and Athletic article

By my reading it says “we’ve had interest, and will expect to continue to have interesting in the club. If something comes up that tickles our fancy, then we may do something”

That’s not really news is it.