The Owners - FSG

Yes, the saga where we had discussions with a chinese company - FSG said was for a stakeholder but Simon Hughes swore was a buyout. Or before that the hiring of Parry to travel the middle east for potential financial partners.

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So am I, have bin for over 30 years now and will do whoever the owners are.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not?

I very much would walk away. Time to find new hobbies.

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Mike Judge Kick GIF by Idiocracy

It’s a small step to Ajax for you …

100 posts in an hour. I sense the moderators wanted some traffic. :grin:


At what point do we say enough is enough?

With City, Newcastle and Chelsea, at no time did I expect their long term fans to up sticks because they had horrible new owners. In fact I had great sympathy with Newcastle fans of having to spend years lumbered with Mike Ashley. However, I find it quite distasteful the way that they celebrated their club being bought by a pretty vile dictatorship.

I expect a number of our fans would disengage from the club at some level. Possibly in the way that I refused to subscribe to Sky Sports when it was Murdoch owned. I would occasionally watch the game at the pub but then I would justify it on the basis that I was supporting a local publican.

Football supporting is a bit odd as, on the one hand it is a form of consumer entertainment. On the other hand it is nearer a religion. Would I expect someone to give up Roman Catholicism because a new Pope was a bit of a tit? Probably not. However, I could understand how they would feel let down.


It’s surprising unless they are going to buy the Washington Commanders.

LFC is the biggest asset in FSG, bigger than the Red Sox and everything they’ve done is geared towards expanding their holdings. If they sell entirely, it may be because they need the capital to buy an NFL franchise.

I don’t buy the argument that it’s because of the oil rich states or having to invest more. That’s not what motivates billionaires. If they have to rebuild the squad, they could take a £300 million check and sell 10% to a minority partner.

Not really even though you want to think that. Your fixation is really very bizarre.
Have a nice day and please, let us some day move on from this. I hope you will manage one day.

Its a tough one. :no_mouth:

What’s Elon Musk up to these days?

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He’s a ManU fan IIRC

I don’t want FSG to sell. They’re as good an owner as we can hope for in this day and age. If they need more funds they can always seek external investment. The last thing we need is instability.

The cunt can’t afford us, we’re bigger than him.


Give it Red Bull until the end of the season.

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That would reall p155 the bluenoses off. Norwegian owners for all of our Norwegian fans. :joy::nerd_face:

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Locking the Twitter office for Dublin up and then hiring some back saying it was an error

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That’s what it feels like. They are not bad owners but the system has failed them. When regulators are not able (or willing) to enforce their own rules, you simply cannot compete against these oil-state things, unless you become one yourself. Grim.


I hadnt considered that, but it’s not a crazy suggestion.

There’s a former member who did once mention he could fund it. Could have been full of bullshit and I suspect he was but I know a number of members would certainly run away if he did…….

If we’re sold, be real guys and girls, going to be oil.