The Owners - FSG

First of all, when you agree to the fact that FSG are not immune to criticism, there’s no “But” after that.

No disrespect mate, and please don’t mind, but this is exactly the kind of response, because of which I refrain from posting in this particular thread.You say word against FSG and you will be called out names and witness unnecessary rants.

I clearly mentioned, I don’t like people being polarised in these forums.
To me this place is like an extended family. People I have never met, may never get a chance to meet, but still feel all are connected for a single cause, a single entity …But, if we have become so strongly opinionated that someone can’t post anything which has a word against FSG, then we should split this thread into Praise FSG / Criticise FSG threads, may be up to the Admins to ponder…

Just a small opinion on your post:
I am really keen to see a news report which ever linked us with Duje Caleta Car in the summer. Please post it and I will happily apologise towards my opinion. Another one for you to ponder, David Carmo !!
We have been bidding left , right and centre to teams , since yesterday who don’t even have time to find replacements. I am sure you can find reliable posts from yesterday that the deal for Caleta fell through as Marsille simply refused , because there was no time to buy replacement. If this is our tactics to agree price, then that’s been thrashed here. Only reason Kazak is happening now is Schalke is ok to accept Mustafi today as a replacement. Otherwise, Carmo was the next option.

And, mate, There’s nowhere in my post I mentioned that FSG have not provided the money. As long as the manager is backed properly to have the right tools and clubs finances are self sustainable , so that we don’t witness the days of Hicks and Gillet , I am fine, I never want us to become Man city/chelsea kind of splashing the cash and buy the league.
My only concern was that this should have been dealt earlier in a proper way, not at this hour in this way. That’s all. If you carefully read my post again, I said, I am glad that club has realised to finally look for cover… instead of being concerned about asking evidences !!


What Klopp says is for the benefit of the club. He isn’t going to say John Henry has given them some cash when they are trying to get Ben Davies for 500k, and persuade Schalke to let us have Kabak on an ‘Italian Loan’.

It’s a mug’s game to form an opinion based on what club staff say to the public, when they are playing chess all over the place.


Then why did he then forewarn everyone that we would be looking to sign a CB before deadline closes last Thursday? I think some times what is said is for benefit and sometimes it’s actually whats going on. When Klopp said we couldn’t and it wasn’t his decision after the game he was clearly emotional and frustrated and probably let slip more than he likes to. I take that as true at that stage. After the Matip and Fabinho injuries he then reassured us we would sign a CB and seemed a lot happier about the situation in interviews. I don’t think that’s fake or done for the cameras etc. I think it was just his frustration had been wiped away. Its also a chain of events that makes perfect logical sense out of what has happened this month so not sure why people have a problem with it. FSG tried to be financially prudent (in some ways the smart thing to do) till £50-100m of next years revenue was under too much threat for them to ignore.

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Davies seems to have been approached earlier, but if you think Edwards has sat doing nothing for the last 26 days I think you need to rethink that, you say it happened last Thursday so why did it take til Sunday for some actual quality to appear on these lists. Before then it was some bloke who is injured at Wolves, Diop and Mustafi

We’ve made the due diligence and everything was ready to move when we did.


Klopp actually said we would try to sign a centre back. He didn’t put Europe on notice that the Owners were getting the chequebook out and Liverpool would be swinging it’s balls about.

We’ve signed Ben Davies for 500k and are looking to get Ozan Kabak for a small loan fee with an option to buy.

What makes you think the purse strings have been released?

FSG haven’t suddenly ponied up £30m because the Champions League is under threat. In fact, if the mood was to not sign a Centre Back at all then Nat Phillips man of the match performance yesterday only strengthens that resolve.

They, especially the Kabak one, are the kinds of deal that happen late in a window. What I think happened is that we needed a centre back at the start of the window but there is no money. We need a centre back at the end of the window and there is still no money, but because it’s the end of the window there are some deals to be had.


The reliable reports of bids of more than €20m for Carmo and Caleta-Car.

And you’re privy to the structure of those deals?

I think we went in for Caleta-Car but I don’t we’d have been paying much upfront, if not loan+purchase agreement.

I think some people think signing a footballer is akin to nipping to the local shop to buy a loaf of bread and a freddo.

If anyone thinks that Davies and Kabak deals (plus any others linked) have come up in the last 48 hrs, and that during the last 3 months, the club have just been chilling out not working on these things, then they need a reality check.

What did Klopp say re transfers? As far as I understand it was along the lines we want a CB, but there’s nothing there to talk about as yet. He clarified that he’s not the decision maker, and also restated that this is nothing abnormal.

As Mascot says, these deals happen in late in windows. It’s like a game of chicken, who will flinch first. Wouldn’t surprise me if Klopps comments were part of a wider plan too.


Nobody is saying Edwards and Klopp are at fault. We were clearly under instruction to find free, cheap and loan CBs till recently hence reliable links to guys like Diop, Mustafi, Saiss and eventual purchase of Davies/loan of Kabak (along with working hard towards future windows and contract offers Edwards will have been very busy). But to make fee offers for Caleta-Car and Carmo now instead of waiting for the summer (when those deals would have been much easier earlier in the window giving time for replacements) I think it’s obvious something has recently changed. As that coincides with injuries to Fabinho and Matip I don’t understand the reluctance to accept that this is what happened.


You mean like this price drop?

Let’s see if I’ve understand this right.

  • we need a centre back

  • FSG say no.

  • Matip gets injured again

  • FSG realise they might not get champions, shit the bed and green light a spending spree.

  • a couple of days later we have two new centre backs.



Well, maybe the lazy bastards know what they’re doing. Just a thought.

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Well, I for one thought that FSG were saving up for Mbappe’s transfer fee and wages. Turns out that this whole time, they were actually saving up for Michael Edwards’ bonus, ten-year contract and new laptop.


I said right at the beginning expect us to move close to the end of the window, it’s not a normal time or season. Mustafi leaving seems to have guaranteed the Kabak release.

If Marseille had found someone who they were probably searching for for weeks then that deal may have happened and it still may.

The club can’t rock up and go here is 30m and do the deal on the first day. Barca do all their deals out in the open we don’t.

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A lot of football owners function exactly like that. But going by their previous record, I don’t think that fsg are among them.

There’s nothing about this season and today in particular that is usual for us/FSG.

I might be naive on the machanics of football, but I don’t think we can be not signing a centre back on Thursday and have pinned two down, with a couple of others take to the finishing line by Monday morning.

The key bit of Klopp’s comments were him suggesting that we could sign someone if the availability was there and it worked for us in terms of finance.

Rather than the club doing a 180, don’t you think it’s more likely that Klopp and Edwards have been working on these deals for a while and when they were able to go to FSG saying we can get these two lads for £1.5m down, that was the point where FSG said ‘do it’.


I don’t think at any point bar from the journalists that ruled out a move fully for a CB.

I think Kabak on loan, Davies on cheap etc. Were the deals we were working on. I think the reliably reported bids on Caleta-Car and Carmo are the ones we couldn’t pursue till the summer as we weren’t getting provided with the finances. When we were after the injuries we made the bids now instead.

Not sure why after some good results, a corner turned, and a potential couple of sensible buys to sure things up a bit, there is so much aggression from some on here.

It’s the same theme you see in relation to other subject matter, anyone who questions anything gets labelled as a denier or conspiracy theorist. It’s all a bit hysterical.

All I’ve seen here this month is people asking whether something can be done to make sure we don’t miss top 4 if any more players go down injured, as well as help out if our form brings a sustained title challenge.

Not seen an FSG out comment at all.

Some are looking for arguments that aren’t required, nor justified, and they do so by exaggerating, if not lying about, what people are supposed to have said.

Let’s hope these deals get over the line and I for one hope the lads who come in prove yet more shrewd acquisitions.