The Owners - FSG

Yeah, I struggle to understand how they come to this.

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never let the truth stand in the way of a good story

Also, for Fuck Sake, Gout is nothing to laugh about. #FSGout

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I said it at the time and was given lots of shit on here but Edwards leaving was the catalyst for this decline, since that point we’ve gone from the best ran clubs in the world to one of the worst.

I don’t believe it was some sort of blow out between him and Klopp, but I think the Henderson contract was some sort of tipping point… It’s very well documented that Edwards warned a decline was coming and Henderson wasn’t worth £200k+ but Klopp personally interevened to push the contract over the line (very rare he gets involved directly).

Edwards leaving seems to have left a power void which Klopp has taken, not through force but just a natural progression based on his track record here. I think this is the root of the issue, what worked so well was the best in the world doing what they do best, healthily debating with respect but ultimately working as a collective and listening to others where appropriate… This appears to just not exist any more, even more with Gordon leaving… Klopp is one of the best coaches in world football, one of our best ever… But he has faults, one of his biggest is loyalty to players, my view is Edwards not being here has meant no strong voice to counter that very topic which has lead us to a midfield a year well past it’s best. Ward leaving, our head of Analytics leaving, the revolving door in our medical team… These aren’t just small bits of the set up with constant upheaval it’s basically the entire core of the back office structure in a constant state of chaos. I’m sure some with argue these aren’t all connected, I don’t agree, they all seem to follow a pattern and all paint a wider picture which is we as a club appear to have ripped up the blueprint smart data lead analytics driven squad building to go back to a more coach lead approach, which in the modern game just doesn’t cut it unless you have unlimited wealth.

FSG need to sell, not because they are bad owners but now they’ve made it public that’s their aim it needs to fuck off hanging over our heads. It really can’t be helping at any level. Another in a long line of public disasters which show how disfunctional we are off the field. A sale also means structure can be put back in place, or it brings funds which Klopp would use to great effect…

What needs to happen quickly is for the club to commit to the long term strategy and if it’s a coach lead one it needs funds providing now… I doubt FSG do this so they need to sell.


FSG have failed Klopp


Edwards left after doing some brilliant business for us, he probably knew what was coming fuck all players worth selling and FSG not spending money.



There’s a reason why Blackburn back then, Leicester back then couldn’t sustain their levels after winning the league…little to no investment.

Which is what we’ve victim of now…sure we’ve come ever so close since winning it…with the same squad.


It’s all sorts of things, FSG could push the boat out when fees were 30-40m now they are 80m for guys who have had half a good season.

We need to go back to basics seek someone out who can lead that United and is not obsessed with one league.

Club needs a shot in the arm I do agree that’s probably the end for FSG. The message that we scrambled around for the cash is utterly depressing considering what this team has done in the last 5 years.

If a new team come in I’d approach Edwards straight away,

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Maybe that was the main reason he left and Ward very soon followed him through the same path. And Gordon was replaced by the highly incompetent Hogan. I am still waiting to see these huge revenues from Nike that will let the club spend big for transfers and I am still waiting for Billie Hogan to read the contract the club signed with Nike…

LFC was without a doctor for months and somebody decided that Diaz does not need an operation and it costed the club and the manager 6 months without one of its best players.

Now we will hear that next summer FSF will spend big. Like last summer when the club net spending was less than 20 mln. pounds and that is the norm inspite of the fact that Liverpoll reached the CL final in 3 of the last 5 competitions.

Add to that the the fact that even teams such as Everton, Palace, Villa, West Ham and Fulham spend more than us regularly. Never mind comparisons between our net spending and that of Arsenal, Manure, &ity, Chel$ea and even fuckin spurs. Newacastle will very soon be in their own league too.

And FSG relied only on Klopp’s genius, his staff and the work of several transfer gurus, but at some point you really need to support the manager and spend serious money, otherwise you lose. And the easiest thing is to blame the manager.


Whether or not this is true, (and I dont doubt the reporting on the positions staked out, only that the decisions taken was enough for Edwards to decide it was time to try something else) I think what it speaks to is the difficulty of working relationships evolving appropriately as the circumstances do. It was credibly reported that by the end of Klopp’s first season he was only sold on 3 of the players he inherited. What that meant was the focus was solely on working together to find the right players. By 2018 that situation had changed. The relationship was by then just as much about ongoing evaluation of the current players as it was identifying new targets. Edwards may simply (likely) have found that new stage far less interesting. Far less room for building and more house cleaning type responsibilities. You can understand how he might have felt that was a natural end of the line for him in the role (you see that with CEOs a lot in that they often dont want tenures much longer then 4-5 years) as much as being frustrated at the outcome of the decisions being made. Regardless, you can certainly see Klopp being a less cooperative partner in that stage of the process than he was in the building stage, and so it maybe makes sense there to have had a new voice, one who was specifically hired to oversee the ruthless ongoing evaluation and dictate the personnel churn. Maybe Ward was simply too close to the situation himself as well to have the desired effect?

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Dont care what anyone say’s the longer we have fsg as owners we will become a mid to low team, their time is done, yes they saved us from oblivion but they are great business men who saw an opportunity and took it! They are probably sweating now that they have left it too long to sell their prized asset now we are on the decline!

I’m more talking that it’s not Edwards the actual man more the strengths he brought to the role.

Having the respect to get Salah and Mane over Draxler and Goetze etc. That’s the type of mutual respect level working that was key to us succeeding.

That’s what I feel is missing now, Klopp needs an equal, he had two in Gordon and Edwards… It seems for me that there are more “yes men” than the strong counter balance types.

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I agree with your point, but was saying that the issue was less that the people havnt been adequately replaced, but the overall nature of the project has changed in a way that changes the dynamic between Klopp and whomever is in Edwards’ position. When the relationships worked best was when they were building and the question was “we know our current players arent the right ones, so who are the right ones?” The question now has an additional layer of “which one of these players who have sweat blood for you need to be moved on?” before you can even get to the issue of the right replacements. Ward might well have been a good replacement for Edwards had the job been the same as the one Edwards had been performing, but the job has changed and so maybe with that the right person for the job has changed.

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“LFC was without a doctor for months”

When Rodgers was brought in, way back, we didn’t even have a recruitment team that transfer window.

Ahhhh the good old committee of Rodgers Pascoe Fallows and Hunter.

The team responsible for bringing in some of the all time Liverpool greats like Joe Allen and Fabio Borini.

Did they recruit you for this forum as well?


Yes…yes they did, I joined TAN in 2012… :roll_eyes:


Fallows and Hunter are still at the club, and have been through our entire ascent.


The ascent didn’t come until Klopp and Buvac came in and we reshuffled our transfer structure, abolishing the committee and instating Edwards as technical director.

Forgot to add another name, Ian Ayre, in that commitee…him and Rodgers the worst of the lot.

Everything old is new again… :wink:

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If only that applied to our midfield…

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