The Owners - FSG

Liverpool, one of the biggest earners in the World let alone the Premier League, never have money to spend.

It’s always sell to buy, FSG just filling their pockets and people let it slide.

Same old shit about a war chest, still yet to see where they are hiding it.

FSG at a crossroads. Promised a £250m summer spend for 5 years. Now it’ll be ‘no CL so can’t afford it’. No appetite to sell the club. Minor investment only and who in their right mind would do that? Long road ahead. #LFC

More like long road back.

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You’ve seen that large pile of leaking scrap towards the East end of the M62?

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“one of the worst”

‘Wrexham Netflix doc popular in Qatar’

Fucking hell…the state of the world generally when this is being put forward, in good faith I assume, as a reason why a sovereign wealth fund should spunk billions on a football club.


I honestly hope the billionaires have their heads reomved from their shoulders in my lifetime.


I do think that football has played the ultimate game and lost on this, Roman was an oligarch a pawn in Putin’s game, it’s like inviting Putin taking over the clubs, what happens when enough of the west wean themselves off oil (or have too) SA know this they’ve tried to change things but it just hasn’t worked.

Conflicts are going get worse and climate refugees will pile into those when they west cut off their borders.

Sorry very pessimistic for the future and football signed up to it fully while going “hey it’s rainbow laces this week”.

I do hope a tech billionaire purchases us (not Musk). But I have my doubts FSG will sell to them, I feel they want top dollar.


Which only limits it to those SWFs that don’t mind spunking billions just to improve its image.

Anyhow the huge wage bills should be considerably less this summer due to performance pay :rofl:


Not sure that FSG should get as much credit as they do, with regards to ‘saving’ the club. They saw a great deal on a world renown club in dire straights, and jumped on it, as any oportunist businessmen would do. The investments made were to get the club to a point of highest value for sale. As many have said, they do not love the club, as a fan does, they value the club as an investment. Problem is, they appear to have gotten a bit too greedy, pushing for the highest value of the club without investing enough to get it to that level.

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When the Qataris arrive
Never forget

Respect indy

Also credit to their legal team for clarifying from their tweet on the 8th of January that FSG can’t sue them :grimacing:

You sure the exclusive isn’t just copying Indy, if I was them I’d talk to my legal team. :see_no_evil:


They didn’t just ‘save the club’. The totally rebuilt it from the ground up into a force that won everything in the game.

It’s mad that people are so focussed on money that they think that all FSG did was rock up, put £350m on the table, then sat back and let nature take its course.


I’ve been wondering about prospective new owners, and the possibility of a sliding scale of acceptability, in relation to how we are faring on the pitch. In other words, flying high as in recent seasons, and people might be more picky about who the owner would be.

Struggling, like this season, and clearly needing some investment into the team, and I wonder if we will see the same level of protest against, say, a Qatari owner? Just a theory.

My expectation is if it is Qatari’s, many will say it is private business, not the official government wealth fund, so it isn’t as bad as it might have been (though obviously the notion of truly private wealth, separate to government, isn’t really a developed thing there yet). Anyway, I suspect the level of protest will be minor, and we will move on with it.

Could be wrong, but we will see.

I don’t expect these Qatari stories to be true anyway. The sheiks are probably too cunning to not see that they’ll be better off keeping their fingers from us. Liverpool the city / the club and Qatar (or any other tyrannic sports-washing country) aren’t compatible.


You are probably right about the sheiks not wanting to go near, due to likely protest and backlash. But they may calculate that out current doldrums, plus a new midfield and the worlds best Arab player being onside, might go a long way towards smoothing a sale.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

We’ve come a long way that Mo meeting with the head of PSG leads people to think the Qataris are going to buy us, rather than thinking that PSG are trying to buy Mo.


PSG trying to buy Mo might make sense, if Messi is leaving for Saudi Arabia. There are not many global Arab footballers, and Mo is the top of the pile.