The Owners - FSG

If they are happy to let us rinse them on the fee, I wouldn’t be hugely opposed.


There has been a lot of talk over the last few days, but this is the first which seems a bit interesting?

no no no and fuck no.


Some of the responses :roll_eyes:. I absolutely don’t want Arab Oil money but that guy saying they behead people.

Is there any evidence this might be a serious outcome?

Without oil money are we doomed to be also rans? Someone please reassure me.

On his form this season, i doubt we would be able to rinse them on the fee

I think it’s possible, there can’t be many “groups” or people who have the sort of money (£3.5 to £4bil) and basically writing that off and more as there is little to no “gains” to be made from the club.

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a blip this season but have been top4 for past 5 years. bootroom needs a shuffle but I very much doubt oil money will fix our problems. we’re already top tier on wages and transfers.


The Qatari links seem to have a little bit of substance. Nothing official, but there seems to be a bit of smoke around it.

Could be bollocks, or there might be something to it.

I suppose we will know soon enough.

I wouldn’t rule it out at this point. FSG want to sell and Middle East are trying to gobble up western sports as quickly as possible.

I blocked that guy during the World Cup not sure if he is legit in any form @qatari sort of gives it away.

We’re skint mate.

If oil money penetrates the game to the degree that the only way to be competitive is to be funded by a despotic petrostate, then the game is dead to me regardless of whether we’re one of those clubs or not.


If we get over taken by Qatar then my stance hasn’t changed - I’m out, and probably out on the game at senior level altogether. I’ll still take an interest in youth football as I love the process of identifying talent and following their career progression, but my passion for top level football would certainly disappear.

I know me dropping off the map would make no difference to the club but there really isn’t anything else I can do than remove my support.


Show me the oil money!

It’s the same for me. Can’t deal with being the playtoy of another billionaire.


Which is daft because Qatar’s revenue comes mainly from gas.

I’d be the first out and it makes a huge difference…the thought of Arab regimes taking over English and European football sickens me and believe it or not it’s nothing to do with human rights…this would be equivalent to joining a Super League & a lot of fans of clubs would heavily protest/drop out if the same happened to them.

The thought of us being led by the same regime we’ve been slamming and ridiculing PSG and City for wouldn’t sit well with me. The absolute hypocrisy.

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There it is. Over there. In between the piles of murdered gay people and executed human rights protestors. Have fun.


For me…

the more clubs that get owned by oil rich men/companies/goverments

the sooner this trend will end,

clubs like Man City, PSG, Newcastle, potentially us and any other clubs bought by the riches of the middle east all competing against each other for the same players and prizes, pushing costs up along the way,

it will be just a matter of time, before the oil men get fed fed up spending their billions,
without any guarantee of success or having a return on their investment.

when the rich oil men eventually pull out, it will be the fans who are left to pick up the pieces