The Owners - FSG

steve sleeping GIF

Shouldnā€™t the government be running the country better.

If you can afford a season ticket at Anfield you ainā€™t scraping by the last penny in a month. Sorry but it a luxury at the end of the day.

I canā€™t afford a ticket to Anfield more than once or twice per season currently (if I could get one).
Have no issue with the supporters groups showing regret and disappointment but the wording used is in itself hyperbolic. The fan initiatives have been positive over the last few years around kids and the local selling of tickets.

Iā€™d love my food shop not to have gone up by about Ā£20 but hey thatā€™s the current situation we find ourselves in.


It does wax and wane, but when you contrast with other clubs with higher ticket prices and a different demo that makes up their match going fan you can see that on pitch success is not sufficient to have a good crowd.


Agreed- true market pricing would probably kill off that Anfield culture. But an increase that is well below current inflation, as well as being the first one in years, simply doesnā€™t merit that kind of complaint from SoS. They are being cushioned.


The great irony is that some of the recent lack of atomosphere is due to those middleaged cryarses who refuse to move on from the Kop etc.

I see there is no credit for getting more youths into the stadium which is actually the best way to keep and improve the atmosphere - Look at our away support, its immense and hardly any of those lads can get tickets let alone together at Anfield.

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As a fan of LFCā€¦ SOS do not represent me in any shape or form and never haveā€¦ and that comes from me as a kid that run onto the field and patted the great man on his back as he was holding his arms outstretched to the Kop.
I wonder how many of the SOS brigade can lay claim to something like that eh

The response from SOS is absolutely farcical. A 2% rise after 9 years of frozen prices is totally understandable.


Was it your lad who slipped and smashed into Robbo, and got an earful from Klopp? :joy:

Just kidding. But I agree with you about the SOS stuff. I bristle when someone speaks for me, as they might not be on message! In this instance, the strong rhetoric is well over the top in relation to the nothing burger that is this very modest and overdue increase.

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Iā€™d say itā€™s farcical. FSG utterly shat the bed after the protests for the last raise that was reversed. Absolutely caved in the face of protests. They gave the likes of SOS the whip hand. More fool them and this is one thing I would criticise them for. We all have a responsibility to pay for our entertainment. Sky subscriptions certainly go up year on year.


steve sleeping GIF

Depends on what sort of entertainment is up on showā€¦

100% correct.
If we donā€™t win every match 5-0 the prices should be reduced.

Maybe steak and chips served by topless waitresses at half time as well?
And an array of superstars bought by John Henry sitting in the stands because only Ā£100m players are in the match day squads.

FSG out

Too right.
Fucking proletariat asking for prices to remain in reach.

No, just very basic economics. Make it 5% inline with this for accuracy:


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People attending football are already cash poor.
Unless the idea is to drive the prices into a corporate plaything, then clubs have to be cognisant of the fan base.

Of course prices need adjustment occasionally, but as football clubs develop sponsorship and global sales of merchandise then the need to load cost onto match goers should be reduced.

The notion of flat caps and bovril is long gone, but keeping supporters in stadiums is crucial to maintaining success.

My original response was a bit sarky, to be fair. And I am not a supporter of the SOS whine till you get it right model of protest.
But somewhere in the middle lies the truth.
Annual inflation based increases reduces real football people going to matches.
That shouldnā€™t happen.

Unlike the other 98% of the working classes. If thatā€™s your stereotype of choice.

Somebody else should pay for my entertainment. If it wasnā€™t for the sponsorship and global sales, weā€™d be in the Ryman League North West 2nd division. Tickets are already massively subsidised.

Theyā€™d also be subsidising the touts. There are still loads of touted seats all around the ground. :nerd_face:

All those people (around the world) whining about this miniscule rise should consider the fact that the money will go into our squad, infrastructure, or operation.

I donā€™t use sterotypes.

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