The Owners - FSG

Damned I’d you do - damned to top 6 if you don’t.

I love Liverpool but I hate modern football.

Welcome to my tightrope.

Actually serious. I want us to win. Big money is sadly the only way. That comes at a price. Ironically.

I think there’s two parts to that question: is it that you hate governments with abhorrent human rights records using a sports club to increase favour in the international community? Or is it that you hate that a sport is being distorted in such a way by unfair wealth distribution that only a few clubs even have a chance.

When it’s a club like City who ticks both boxes its easy to hate on them. But what if there was a club that was owned by a small middle Eastern human rights abusing nation that didn’t pump so much wealth into the club that they had an unfair advantage? Would that be ok?

Conversely, what if someone like Musk - a classless wanker to be sure but who at least doesn’t encourage killing innocent people like many middle Eastern nations- would him artificially pumping money into a club be ok?

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We need to do more to understand the middle eastern powers, seems no-one is even trying to consider why someone would even go down that path.

Easy one. Their mollycoddled upbringing in wealth and privilege leads them to think that they can do anything and that they are literally the gods of their own worlds.

They also strike deals with the parties who can help them retain their wealth and power, who happen to be the extremists who believe that they are divinely ordained by God to bring forth their own vision based on their own desires for society.

The world is nothing more than their little toys, and they will be allowed to get away with anything.

Until we destroy that system and privilege, nothing will change.

Alternatively they know fossil fuel usage is falling and there will come a time when they don’t have that control as OPEC currently does.

That’s why branch out now such as LIV, if we can own the biggest golf tour then win/win we’ve diversified same with football clubs.

Expect the next “super league” to be promoted by Saudi Arabia or the like.

Yes there will always be a need for oil but not at the levels needed now, once you start to remove it from transport the price falls.

You can do that face all you want the simple fact is fossil fuel usage is decreasing.

Saudi Arabia have even admitted this. Unless Carbon capture finally actually finds itself 10 years away instead of the fictional 10 years away something has to give.

It’s a limited resource that certain countries have a large control over, if even half the world reaches net zero by 2040 the reduction of oil use will be large enough to wobble these places.

Saudi Arabia have tried to diversify but so far it’s not worked, these countries are on the frontline of climate catastrophe if that happens say in SA then how unsettled will that become.

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I presume that was me you’re referring to, that face was more about the people who let that happen, who are more than happy to welcome them instead of treating them like the pariahs they ought to be.

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Ah fair enough sorry for the misunderstanding.

I might be totally wrong but I hope for humanity that I’m not. There does seem concern from those states.

As for FSG. Pundits and podcasters are all talking about a big summer rebuild, 3-4 new midfielders, etc… I’m unable to pretend anymore, so I can’t even imagine it or get excited.

-one early signing late may/early june
-then it will all depend on sales
-40-50 million net spend

We will spend less than everyone that finishes above us.

cant disagree here…with the caveat that its a two way street…the world needs to understand each region better…

doesnt change the fact that a soveriegn state probably shouldnt own a football club outside of its borders.


Why not? If the regulators have nothing to say about the incoming buyer, the seller and buyer are agreeable to the T&Cs of ownership transfer, it is a free market.

And as long as we make the correct moves, that shouldn’t matter; in fact it should be applauded.


Dear me, I going to stay out of this one …

Oops, to late. :sunglasses:

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I won’t be watching the game on Saturday then. Too embarrassing.

Its not really surprising.

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Quite natural, and not really worthy to throw a hissy fit imo. After all, Liverpool is still an English city.

But if the supporters don’t like it, jeer it then while it is played, or even better, remain silent. Fair dues.


The Daily Mail already have their front page story written.

It certainly is and British also, but some people seem to have overlooked that.:england: 🇬🇧

World War 3 starting, Boris being caught in bed with Trump and Thatcher rising from the grave wouldn’t take King Charles off Sunday’s front pages.