The Owners - FSG

Yeah, a bit of a no win situation

Play it low

Or with Goodison being empty, play it loudly over there so everyone thinks it’s coming from Anfield.

@Klopptimist you’ve had a spiffy makeover!

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I’d just like to say that it’ll be nice to hear the National Anthem played pre match without some Opera singer screeching all over it. It ruins it for me. :nerd_face:


Klopp is spot on. A lot of people will enjoy it. Some will not be interested. Some will not like it. That’s all there is to say really.

My slight concern is if fans, or some fans, boo, (which is well within their rights to do) it will be yet another stick for some to beat LFC with.

Even now I have an image of Paul Tierney, sitting at home, Union Jack tea cosy over his teapot, picture of the queen on the wall, just seething at Liverpool fans, and waiting do dish out his next acts of retribution :joy:

Best not to care what the national media says. Even if everyone in the stadium claps and jumps around and celebrates likes we just won the Champions League in the last second they’ll comb through the footage to find one guy who isn’t clapping hard enough and have a go at fans for it.

Everyone knows the institution is a nonsense - some will boo and some will pretend to care about other people booing. It’s a pretty tedious exercise.


Exactly! Sky are already making it a headline and asking Klopp questions about it. The tabloids will no doubt have their headlines ready. Why give them the ammunition to hate us even more.

You just said it, they’ve already written the narrative - it’s coming no matter what the fans do.

Oh no! SOS have also waded in now, blaming LFC and the EPL who persuaded the club for playing the anthem.:disappointed: I don’t think it is the club’s fault tbh. I wish this story would die down now.


Oh, FFS. There was no way a foreign owner would defy a national protocol, even if it was dressed up as a suggestion.


SOS are overstepping the mark here.

The club was in a no win situation. The anthem was played. As such, it gave an opportunity for thousands of fans to legitimately voice their healthy protest. It was more meaningful to give those fans a voice, than to have the matter decided in the boardroom.

Instead of turning on the owners, SOS would serve the club better by issuing a statement that grappled with the reasons why fans protested.


People give it more credence the more it becomes a story.

These are actual stories this weekend

King has coronation
Tories lose over 1000 Council seats.

By creating news around this it just helps avoiding especially number 2.


The booing was a disgrace. The club/supporters deserve criticism. Easy own goal. As for SOS, the statement just makes them look even more foolish.

Are you a new LFC fan? Did you think we wouldn’t boo? Do you know why we booed?


SOS - The club were put in a no win situation
Also SOS - The club’s actions were not a win so we’re here criticizing the owners’

I wouldn’t blame the club for this. No win situation. Hopefully Charles will live until he’s 110 and I’ll never have to hear the national anthem played at Anfield ever again.

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The FA, as ever, made an arse of the whole situation. It’s a historic occasion regardless of anyone’s view of the monarchy and they had the chance to mark it in a positive way that could have engaged with both clubs and fans.

I did find the decision to hold matches on the day a bit odd. As it was they then chose to make a last minute decision to impose the national anthem on the games. It looked lazy and worse, it looked political.

I’m not condoning those that booed. I’m not condemning them either. It was a lame effort from the FA that was met with a predictable response.