The Owners - FSG

The risk with that is Dortmund end up with an unhappy player, and considering he is one of the leadership group, that could easily spread to the rest of the squad and cause bigger problems than simply working to ensure all parties end up getting a suitable outcome

Possible but if Jude is who many say he is, I think he is probably not the kind to throw tantrums but find a solution. I think IF Jude says he only wants Liverpool, then it could probably be a case where they agree on a 80-100mil fee spread in ways both clubs are happy with, BUT, agreed now but transfer next summer. In this case, it protects a certain value for Dortmund even with just one season left, Jude gets the club he wants, Liverpool gets a player in a financial arrangement we are comfortable with. This is one of the possible ways. If not, this summer, Dortmund has absolutely no reason to reject a club like Madrid with 130m and then reject Liverpool because its bid is too low and then risk losing keeping a player for too long and also losing value next season.

With such a spread, it might allow us also to get 2 CM needed players this summer for 70-80m total, barring any other sales.

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Dortmund may well accept RMā€™s offer of 130 million, but if the Jude says ā€˜noā€™ then the Jude abides.

Dictionary definition of abide: ā€˜to wait patiently forā€™.

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We did something similar with Keita, not that it panned out particularly well.

Jude is 19. If he stays put he is guaranteed first team football in a top league with Champions League football. Dortmund have a top player for another year. That gives him further space to develop.

As far as I am aware, he isnā€™t being pushed by an agent and he appears to have a reasonably sensible head on his shoulders. I have no idea where he will end up, but it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he was still playing for Dortmund next season.


Thing is with Jude, if he doesnā€™t move ā€˜nowā€™ doesnā€™t he lose the opportunity to achieve homegrown status and therefore if he moves next summer he will be much less valuable to Prem clubs?

Itā€™s also one year less of Klopp and VVD, Alisson and Mo will be another year older. I hope we can sort something to get him this summer.

I was having a couple of pints with my cronies the other night and the topic of whether we would take oil money came up. With the exception of myself, they all said absolutely, they would. Bring it on and particularly if United take the Saudi offer.

Im Not No Way GIF

1 vote for no here as well.

everything asideā€¦i still find itā€¦oddā€¦that it can be beneficial for an independant state to own a football club in another country.

lets say australia wanted to buy LFC and fund it to be competitiveā€¦whats the point? its a ridiculous use of the peoples money.

and thats the corner stone to why im so opposed to state ownershipā€¦its not so much the filthy cheatingā€¦or the internet ā€˜Bantzā€™ā€¦instead of paying Pep a million billion pounds through fair means or foulā€¦why not just raise the basic wage in your own country, produce infrastructure, put back to where the money has come from.


Itā€™s easy to say ā€˜noā€™, but I think most LFC fans were excited by the idea of Dubai buying the club back in 2007. Of course, now we can see how having access to unlimited funds can tilt the playing field in a particular clubā€™s favour, but at the time I think we would have been happy to be that club.

It seems that states, particularly petro-states, are going to continue buying clubs, even though as @Redbj says it is a waste of a stateā€™s wealth. Perhaps that would inevitably lead to the creation of a European, or even a global, super league. Would we as fans want to be part of that? In that event, we would either have to accept football as being part of the global entertainment industry, or live in the real world and be happy competing with the likes of Brighton and Aston Villa.

The latter would feel like being in the Championship, so if we were to be bought by some state entity then I wouldnā€™t protest. Iā€™d continue to be a Liverpool supporter. I wouldnā€™t be happy about who the owners were, but then I wouldnā€™t be happy about the owner being one the worldā€™s major chemical companies, and therefore major polluters, either.

My stand since long time ago was that I have nothing against anyone rich enough to be our owners. I donā€™t subscribe that this billionaire is better than that. All billionaires have done shite to get to where they are, you may decide that some shite is shittier but they are all shit. What I am more concerned is the way the club is being run. If of course a billionaire comes in and can run the club like FSG did, not saying they are perfect, but running the club with at least some form of ethics that we fans can majority agree with, then I am ok with those owners. Chelsea, Madrid are clubs that has proven that middle eastern owners are not the only ones capable of throwing stupid money around running a club. So its they way they allow the club to run, not who they are, thats more important to me. Having said that, I am not convinced that Middle Eastern owners will run Liverpool the way FSG has been running, so in that sense, I would say no.

maybe the petro states and the oligarchs should fuck off and start a global leagueā€¦might even be interestingā€¦but maybe they should be with new clubs and let the existing clubs beā€¦

the Qatari royales vs the Saudi superonics etc etc etc
you could even have an english representative teamā€¦

yes they may have the best players in the world, but id rather that, and be able to come to England and watch Brighton Vs Liverpool in a real fixture at a real stadium run in a REAL english competition.

hard to see where we get to that point without a lot of people losing a lot of moneyā€¦but the end result would be something closer to the game i fell in love with.


Weā€™ve had this discussion before, they are not all like that. Lots of billionaires who are ethical business people and some who have made great contributions to humanity. They are not all hydrocarbon and authoritarian cunts.


I Respect what you believe, but its not what I believe. We all only see what we see or allowed to see, on these rich people, we do not know either way whether they are all good or all shite, so its really what we choose to believe. But as I said, I am not gonna say you are wrong because I do not have any obvious evidence to say you are.

Its not a ā€˜beliefā€™ thing though is it?

theres a scale, and that cant be arguedā€¦

there cant be too many worse than ;

a particular family who take the wealth of a region on the globe and spend it personel vanity projectsā€¦a family who share that wealth amongst themselves whilst persecuting immigrants and minoritiesā€¦i cant even be bothered dialing down on thisā€¦

if you hand on heart honestly believe that the House of Saud is roughly the same level of cunt as sayā€¦the guy who owns red bullā€¦then im not gonna convince you otherwise on the WWW


So what scale do we use to say this level of shit is ok, but this level of shit is not? Is there such a scale that is universally accepted? I am not saying that they are all doing the same shit but what the Saudis are doing is of course bad shite and seen by all, but are you able to say use the same example, the guy who owns Red Bull, you know for sure, he is not involved in such shite or its just from what you are able to see? That to me, is what you can see, and you choose to believe what you can see on the surface. For me I just choose to believe that all these rich people have done bad shite, its just what is known and seen, and what they are able to hide from public. But as I said, I am not here to preach that my belief should be universally accepted and I will not be convinced by arguments otherwise. But also, I donā€™t think any of these oil rich middle eastern owners are going to abide by any financially ethics in running a club, so on this question, I would say no thanks. Any other billionaires who can come in and run the club along the same principles as now, I will continue supporting them. Who owns LFC, I might not be able to make a huge impact on who can and who cannot, but I can support the club based on how the club reflects my personal beliefs on how a sports club and business should be run.

to be honestā€¦and i am sorryā€¦


i dont have to give you a scale or a definition or anything of the likeā€¦if you honestly think John Henry is the same level as the house of saud then you have bought into a line of reasoning that enables a lot of bad shit to go on in the worldā€¦it really is that simpleā€¦

everyones bad, so bad people shouldnt be judged so long as they run LFC as an honest businessā€¦



Sir Jim could have played a blinder. United keep the Glaziers and we get Quatar. The unpleasantness of oil ownership will be more than offset by pissing United fans off permanently. Priorities and all.

For a democratic state, yes I agree. The problem is when you state getting dictatorships wanting to buy sports clubs to use as a tool to improve and clean up their image without allowing the people to have a say in it


I think we all know what the point is.

Itā€™s why itā€™s idiotic to hear mets like Collymore throwing around bullocks about getting the Soverign Wealth Fund of Norway to buy us. Why on Earth would they do that? They arenā€™t trying to sportswash a dodgy human rights record. They arenā€™t trying to insulate their regime from criticism, or buy influence with the UK government.