The Owners - FSG

Fuck me, apparently I’m late to the party on that rumour. Still in disbelief.

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Question I ask on this is this.

If we need someone to do negotiations and add some support for 3 months is he useful.

After all I can’t see many decisions not having already been taken. Ugarte seems to have been gaining some legs in the last day or so. McAllister rumour came up and went quiet.

Wouldn’t surprise me if both of them came to Liverpool.

Absolutely screams the appointment we want is not available until after the Transfer window closes.

Definitely don’t want Schmadtke hanging around the club much longer than a few months, if any.

Oh yeah :rofl:

It’s funny how we always seem to chase the guys who aren’t available.

The available ones tend to be so for a reason.

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Are there not other staff that could cover the position for 3 months? I’m not sure what the use of bringing someone in for such a short amount of time that will not be familiar with the setup of the club.

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The only explanation to me would be that it’s all a bit too cozy and harmonious at the club so they decided to bring Schmadtke in to stink up the place.

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Woah, you seemed to be very against this appointment. Why so?

Yeah, this is the important context. The lifecycle of the process for how we identify and prioritize targets is far longer than could be meaningfully impacted by the identity of a new SD. Even if we got in a new permanent guy it would be incredibly unlikely to alter our plans. In the event that whomever we want isnt available and we have a gap then it makes sense to fill it with a temporary person. It gives people clarity on who they should be talking to. It allows everyone else to do their role without having to worry about filling in for the communication aspect that Edwards and Ward did.

There is the slight possibility that someone in a consultancy capacity may even make it easier to play hardball over signings. “hey look, this is the upper limit of what I’ve been given and I just have the authority to go back and negotiate for more.”

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Unless we are going for another Sporting Director within the PL, why would it affect clubs outside England? At this point, if we gonna poach someone outside the PL, we could have come to an agreement with that fella’s original club and pay off his contract?

or it could go the other way knowing that this fella will only be here for 3 months and the other party can play an extreme version of hardball or demand to see the boss in charge to rinse LFC or risk having no new signings for on 1st Sept 2023, thus fucking up LFC’s season?

Because Schmadtke. I probably better not go further into this… if he really joins the club I wish him good luck. :zipper_mouth_face:

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It could. I suppose. In the sense that unlikely things are just as likely to happen as likely things.

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I still remember the day you told me the news surrounding Bellingham is a negotiation tactic for us to play 4D chess with BD to get them to lower the price for Bellingham…I hope it is still a negotiation tactic playing out right now!

I really hope your view on how things are going to turn out the way you want will come true. I really do!

Bruh, I believe this forum has a huge degree in the freedom of speech. C’mon, tell us what you know!

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The truth is people will always trust with people that will be in for the long term. If someone is here for the short term, that huge ass uncertainty will bite us in the arse financially.

Publicly appointing a person for a defined period with a defined role, one at the tip of the spear when it comes to negotiations and being the point of contact with other parties, is the exact opposite of uncertainty. There may be other reasons to be dissatisfied with this outcome, should it happen, but uncertainty definitely is not one. Approaching this window without anyone in this role, be it permanent or temporary is something that absolutely would create uncertainty. Less so for us, but definitely for the clubs we’re trying to deal with. That is a terrible position to be in when it comes to delicate negotiations.


Now I’m curious!


Well, assuming Club A was talking to Ward for this entire period of time on how to structure the payment, the add-ons for a player so that the arrangement is beneficial for both LFC and Club A in a gentlemen’s agreement. Come 1st July, a new guy comes in and feels that he has another way of doing things which may not gel with Club A. Club A gets pissed off at all the time wasted in negotiation and demands to see the Tom Werner to get things moving instead of an intern for 3 months.

Then why not get someone permanent in soon, give the incoming Sporting Director’s former employer an offer too good to refuse and get serious instead of an intern for 3 months?

Fuck me, when LFC got Barry Hunter and Dave Fallows in from Man City, I didn’t recall them having to do a huge ass gardening leave despite their positions being as sensitive as a sporting director.