The Owners - FSG

The reaction to Macallister being cheaper was amusing.

Got a few blocks in on Twitter that week.


Why, why, why, didn’t we pay £100 million for MacAllister?? Instead of the meagre £35 million. I’d be so much happier now.


We can’t blow our whole budget on one player. FSG Expect at least 3 for that money. :grin:

aaahhhhhhhh…now i see what your saying…and you make a great point…

‘wheres the money that we saved on two world class fullbacks for pitance John?’

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Erm, I was sort of being sarcastic.

Yes, they’re not good enough.

Do you even think before you write? Borderline arrogance? Eh?

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I think the net spend has its merits if we factor into account the number of players brought in and the quality of the players brought in.

Net spend is irrelevant if you’re competitive and winning things. It becomes relevant when you go into a season with a midfield that is so full of holes you could market it as Swiss Cheese.

Thankfully Klopp said as much last season so we can now put to bed the myth that he doesn’t work like that, want’s to nurture and improve rather than spend. That was never working on Ox and Keita.

Ah net spend, giving idiots something to moan about since 2010.


Klopp said what last season. Im guessing you mean about a midfielder and needing one. If you are you seem to be forgetting how irritated he got on this line of questions for the whole summer.


It never would work on those two. He’s a football coach, not a surgeon.


I think it’s both and. Klopp wants to coach and train and improve players. He also wants to buy good players to work with.

Last summer it looked like his thinking shifted to me. For most of the summer he anticipated that the group, the midfield in particular, was fine. Then as summer wore on we heard reports that we were in for a midfielder. I think we even made a bid for Caicedo late on. We didn’t land a midfielder so gambled on a loan move for Arthur last minute.

It is fair to say the department was mismanaged, and I think in the midst of all that, Klopp also made a statement about taking more risk, which was open to interpretation, but most fans read it as being willing to take a bit more risk in the transfer market.

Anyway, all water under the bridge now.

Onwards and upwards!

I think that is pretty much locked in. I think the question is what does it mean to take a risk? Most people who focused on it seemed to take it as a given it meant he was asking for more money, and didnt consider the arguably more Klopp like perspective that the risk would be filling a squad spot with a cheaper less developed player who he saw a potential diamond in.


Exactly! Our whole strategy won’t be Brighton-esque in signing a dozen with potential, in the hope that we get a Caicedo or a MacAllister in the mix, but a move in that sort of direction, as part of the overall strategy, is a risk worth taking under Klopp.

Man City buy a squad full of finished players. We can do a bit of that, but we have to box clever and mix up the transfer strategy.


So was i.

Im pretty sure he was talking about money and mentioned more than once about the way the club is run.
Our big problem is Virgil needs replacing soon so does Matip and GĂłmez just aint good enough. Where is the money coming from.

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Tonali used to take the paycut to stay Milan, but Redbird force him to go for the moneys. Let wait the day FSG told Trent and Jones the same.

Yeah, I mean just look at that massive track record FSG have of forcing players to leave against their will.
