The Owners - FSG

Wheres the TGL money John?

That will fit with FSGā€™s virtual transfer policy.

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I know for sure some owners wouldnā€™t have cared a jot about putting prices up. Not taking 7 years to put them up once.


That aged well

Maybe John wants a statue of himself outside Anfield one day :0)

I mean do we really want owners like glaziers who spend on fancy new toys ignoring how the infrastructure has been rotting ? Or do we take someone like FSG who make sure the club is on a sound footing financially as well as in football matters during their tenure ?


Whichever we have the best chance delivering success on the pitch.

Fans watch/go to games to see the team play well and winā€¦they donā€™t go to games to check how much interest weā€™re due next month.

Apart from letting the infrastructure crumble on their watch, with Old Toilet needing up to a billion spent on it, and Carrington needing to be significantly upgraded; the two other ā€˜crimesā€™ the Glazers committed were in taking a lot of money out of the club in the form of dividends, while loading an enormous amount of debt on the club too.

Crumbling infrastructure
Nose in the trough on dividends
Club debt sky high

Three solid reasons why FSG have been much better owners.

The main criticism about FSG is whether or not they could have personally funded infrastructure and thus freed up more money for the club to spend. While many fans wish they did that, and maintain that FSG would still be paid back many times over when they sell the club, itā€™s always easy to tell other people what they should do with their own money!

FSG always said the club would pay for itself, and they stuck to that, transfers, wages, infrastructure too.

It is what it is.


This isnā€™t a hypothetical; itā€™s not a theoretical question in a vacuum. Their respective track records speak for themselves. If you want to claim that the Glazer model might yield as much success as FSGā€™s, go ahead. Reality suggests otherwise.


Without Glazier debt and dividends they would have Ā£100m plus more a year to spend.

But that extra Ā£100m wouldnā€™t stop them from spunking Ā£80m on a CB with a turning circle similar to the Titanic and the pace of a snail. Nor would it stop them spunking Ā£500k p/w on an over the hill and past it Ronaldo.

Money has not been the problem at Utd under the Glazers, it has been how they have spent the money which has seen them become so shite


Great isnā€™t it :slight_smile:

From the horseā€™s mouth. We are DOOMED. :rofl::rofl::rofl::flushed:

Itā€™s OK, thereā€™s a bundle stashed behind the couch :wink:

My mate found a padded wallet once that was about 4 inches thickā€¦ when he opened it there was a picture of a hunchback in it but no moneyā€¦!

if only his account were that funny.

Daddy is in town, it seems.

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