The Owners - FSG

Not Daddy’s boat though

its current owner to be American multi-millionaire James F Dicke II, the chairman and CEO of Crown Equipment Corporation, one of the world’s largest forklift truck manufacturers.

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Here to buy a share, and put some :moneybag: in our transfer coffers, no doubt

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I love that anything or anyone with money, that visits Liverpool, is automatically assumed to be linked to our club. :joy:

Maybe he’s striking a new forklift deal at the docks.

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Maybe he’s just some fucking wanker come to do some shit that wankers do.

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He’s obviously an amateur then. I’m a wanker that manages to do shit that wankers do, and I don’t even have a big boat. :+1::nerd_face:


Where’s the money in the bank , John ?

In the bank…?

Don’t need a wallet nowadays. Phones do the job. Come on Stingy John, do ya thing

So you think he is buying Everton then?


He’s taken his boat from the US all the way to Liverpool just to pull his sausage? Fair play, what age is the dude? I’d never be that motivated, even when I was a randy teen. :joy:

Edit: the joys of being Antipodean. Responded before reading the subsequent (and superior) replies in the same vein.

Fucking wastrel owner. Could have bought Harry Mcguire instead of that.

What i can say is…

I know who definately doesnt own that boat!

John’s boat is currently moored in Turkey so maybe we’re finally signing Arda Turan.

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Man owns ridiculously expensive boat.
Other man knows he will never have enough money to own such a boat.
Boat owner is by default a wanker :roll_eyes:

About bloody time… we miss for 17th time he’s going to be retired before we finally manage to sign him.

Reckon we could get the message across to the captain to trans-ship to Portugal and pick up Simao on the way?


Hmmm :thinking:

some guy on twitter is convinced someone has bought 33.3% of the club for £1.4b (my figures maybe incorrect) and it will announced when in Singapore. I dont follow him just saw him pop up and he has been saying it for a few months thats its done but they were waiting for Singapore tour to announce.

Guess we will find out in a few days…

Wonder if it’s LFCEddie ?

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