The Owners - FSG

Dont know where to put this, but putting it here because of the MLB connection

TLDR - a MLB executive with an idea to learn from what other sports do well to enhance the game day experience at baseball, putting 10 years of his life into the exploration, then going to Anfield one time and giving up before the game has even kicked off due to a realization that recreating that is simply impossible


ā€œBrand affinityā€ in the first two sentences is the giveaway that theyā€™re speaking two different languages.

Itā€™s weird that he thinks all the fans have been to the academy.


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I liked that guys chair in the videoā€¦ It is a huge baseball glove

Maybe thatā€™s a similar kind of role Edwards was offered.

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What does he know about football though?

Heā€™s an executive-level hire. Not sure thatā€™s high on his list of job requirements for his position?

Also, who is the source of that?

If heā€™s part of the team responsible for replacing JĆ¼rgen, he should have some relevant knowledge.

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So would having 25 years of managerial experiance including winning multiple leagues, cups and champions league not be enough experience to advise on a managerial appointment?

Cause that worked really well at the toilet bowl when Mr. Ferguson retired :wink:

Season 22 Episode 6 GIF by The Bachelor

Did Michael Edwards have relevant knowledge when be helped build our current lineup? Billy Hogan?

I am a bit worried on the lack of movement in the SD side given that the Jorg has left the club.

So am I but Iā€™m always worried ā€¦

Bit worried because youā€™ve not heard some old fart on twitter spreading shit or are you worried because youā€™ve seen Utd are getting a little active in the same area and you think we need to react to what they do? Good, I applaud the club, thatā€™s how it should be. We have a season to finish, that comes first. Couldnā€™t give a soggy waffle if we appointed a SD tomorrow or 31st May. They have 1 job as far as Iā€™m concerned anyway, get Mbappe over the line.


The thing is youā€™d want your Sporting Director and Manager to have a good relationship. If we did get an SD in first and the guy we want as Manager doesnā€™t gel then weā€™re back to square one. I can see them both being hired at a similar time.


I think it will be Steidten, Alonso, and Alonsoā€™s coaching team, and they will hit the ground running here. But first, thereā€™s history to write this season, for Leverkusen and Liverpool, so we are going to have to be patient while everyone rightly gives their all to the job in hand.

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The task of finding a new SD wonā€™t rest solely on the shoulders of one person - it will be a number of people, and therefore, there is no need for everyone in that group to know football.

This Theo dude will add value to the search given his experience in sports in general.

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Itā€™s entirely possible with the change in Klopp our focus shifted completely.

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