The Owners - FSG

does that skirt FFP regulations…feels a bit murky, theyll have to charge the books for a consultancy fee i would imagine


No idea but you don’t start hiring all these executive positions for the multi club model (Edwards, ward, etc) unless you have a deal that’s close to getting across the line

I hope it’s Everton. Would be great having the reserves playing just across the park.

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Imagine the meltdown



It really is amazing how much ManU is still worth after a decade of decay.


Just shows how much value they had at the start of the last decade!

It seems as overvalued and artificial as City’s success.

I think you have to question what the figures represent. Barca are third yet have spent 3 (?) years selling everything in the cupboards to stay operational and are currently resorting to trying to take off the brass knobs to sell those.


I thought they’d already sold Dembele and Griezeman

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How is this thing even calculated? Never mind Man United, how can Totteham be ranked so high?


How the fuck are Barcelona valued that high?

Valuation is a measure of the worth of an enterprise, and doesn’t necessarily reflect equity versus assets. Think of it as trying to answer the question ‘if I wanted to buy this, how much would I have to pay?’, setting aside the question of whether you would pay the owner or the debtholders (or take on the debt, which amounts to the same thing)

Spurs have a healthy chunk of revenue from PL broadcast, good matchday revenue, commercial revenue isn’t terrible - and have a massive London stadium. Their operating income is among the highest figures in the PL and they have had one of the highest revenue growth figures during that period.


Similar to the above. Absolutely massive revenue, valuable stadium that is getting more valuable. The fact they are actually skint is neither here nor there.


Except they have sold their future to stop themselves going down the drain now. Surely that has to have a huge effect on the entire value as all it would take is 1 fuck up of a season and their house of cards will crumble

Valuation is different from profits.

But the Forbes model doesn’t look at net assets or equity. Just assets, revenues, and operating profit. So right now the suggestion is that if you wanted to buy Barcelona lock, stock, and barrel, it would cost you $5.6B., that does not imply that the socios would see anywhere close to that.

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