The Owners - FSG

that’s quite a show on it’s own…

Not sure where to put it

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Where is the Youtube money, John?


Id be disappointed receiving a handbag

You joke but I’m sure I read a couple years ago that the ad revenue from the YouTube content made the club about £6m a year.


That’s enough for a new Robbo. Where is he?


personally i think its swung the otherway far too much…i mean look at the last twenty posts and people are already having a go at anyone who was even thinking of daring to suggest they could go a bit harder…they are not above being scrutinised and questioned, and even criticised

maybe its the trump influence on modern day discussions…but it can feel a bit like…

’ i wonder if FSG could just be a bit more speculative this transfer window and buy…’

‘here we fucking go…i knew you lot would come out of the woodwork…fuck off you stupid twitter loving cretin, they are great owners’

‘yes, ok, but if you look into it a bit more, we should have been able to at least…’

‘you fucking traitor, why dont you go support Man city you fucking freak,fuck me, theyve proven they care’

‘yeah, i realise they care, as its an investment, and its done quite well for them, they should…’

‘should what?, you prick…now your gonna tell us you know more about running a football club than FSG…yeah sure mate…its pointless even talking to people like you who cant see reason’

‘im not saying they are terrible, or i want anyone else i was just hoping we could…’

‘i dont know why i bother trying to reason with arseholes like you who clearly have an agenda’


They certainly shouldn’t be above being evaluated and you are right, it can get a bit tribal.

For me it’s never been how much you spend but how well you spend what you have. We were amongst the best in the world at doing that. Be that finding value at lower fees or breaking records for a defender or goalkeeper because we felt it worth it.

Personally I’m looking forward to having some of those key voices back in the recruitment process and some stability within that group. That’s where I think FSG have had a misstep. We went from elite recruitment to just decent as that recruitment unit moved on. That’s a competitive advantage we need to get back.

Of course that means we’ll still have those disagreements about FSG needing to spend more or pony up their own cash but at least we’ll hopefully be nailing the business we are doing.


For a long time after reading some posters, I thought FSG stands for Fucking Stingy Group

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Bit of a strawman that, mate.

I know you are exaggerating for comic effect, but I’ve never seen a conversation even remotely like that. More often it goes the other way. FSG apologist, kissing John Henry’s arse etc.

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obviously it was an overstatement…

but if youve never seen a conversation like that on here (without the melodramatics) then you must of purposefully been looking away…

you only need to look at the posts above it to see my point…

edit…and right on cue, card holder number 1 Gasband gets in on the action with his pre emptive defence of FSG…

its boring…it really is.

You have very shiny skin Gasbag. Is that a condition or is it due to the temperature in Singapore?

Oh thats.not actually gasband. This is him (he shape shifts - it’s conceptual performance art I understand)


Its actually the glow from Arne’s head, who was sitting opposite me

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city will have 20m subscribers by the end of the month.


Weirdly 19 million of them will have subscribed from the same IP address.


I wouldn’t get that replica shirt just yet.

You might get one in between sponsors :wink:

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Time to cut ties.