The Owners - FSG

Yeah, away against Luton at 8pm EST kick off on a sunday evening then the lunch time kick off the following saturday away to Arsenal

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With a Champions League game against Porto played in Beijing on the Wednesday in between.


I think Iā€™d be done with football if that were the case.

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you might end up with something like they have in the AFL here, or the NRL did innLas vegasā€¦a whole complete round of fixturesā€¦

the AFL play one full round in Adelaide and call it the ā€˜gather roundā€™

distance can be overcome by slapping it in the middle of a 2.5 week 'ā€˜winter breakā€™ and schedule the fixtures in countries with forgiving climates at that time of year.

its a shame, but itrs very doableā€¦

when the NRL went to vegas it was celebrated as a victory for the gameā€¦(albeit the NRL is a different beast spectator wise to the PL)ā€¦even in the AFL the ā€˜gather roundā€™ is celebrated, and travelling fans (costs a lot less obviously) can veiw it as one big party.

you could probably end up with a knock out style cup for just PL teams and excuse them entrance into the league cupā€¦that way no league games get moved but the competition is an official one.

one thing i think is for sureā€¦the fallout wont be what we would hope it would beā€¦

If it meant the games were played same time as those nonsensical England friendlies that come about every few weeks of a new seasonā€¦ Would suit me to head off to New York

The NRL took 2 games to Las Vegas to open up the season the publicity was absolutely massive they are doing the same next year too.

I remember seeing a bit about this over xmas when I was back home, but never caught the games. What sort of crowd did they get?

With AI, we will play here in Liverpool and then the real time holograms will be shown in a LA stadium. Win win.


40000 which is more than NRL was expecting.

Does anyone here apply for these just for the hell of it?

Whereā€™s the Japan money?


Free flights for Endo.


Knowing the value of the Yen, I would say it got used up making that social media announcement


Christ. My club partnering with a fucking airline. Football really makes you swallow sick at times


Ah too badā€¦I speak ancient Sanskrit.


Do we have any sponsors from the Middle East at the moment?

Are we avoiding them?

Not saying it is a bad thing.

Iā€™m sure most of us would have tipped one of the Middle East airlines to be our next airline partner.

So im wondering if we have kind of an embargo on the Middle East.

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Most of the Middle Eastern companies are tied to other clubs, thankfully. UAE is with the You Know Who :laughing:, the Saudis are building the Sandcastle, while Qatar QSG and sponsorship with Barcelona. Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain are perhaps not so aggressive. Bahrain are scums too.

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