The R.I.P. thread


How can anyone from Bon Jovi be 70? :exploding_head:

In a vaguely related matter, did you ever watch the series ‘Community’?

Yes, i’m a massive Chevy Chase fan, so was very disappointed with the show when he left. Favourite episodes where the Role Playing Group and the paintball ones.

Was there a Ray Liotta episode or reference ?

The episode - Contemporary American Poultry was a parody in part of Goodfellas. If you ever get round to watching the movie, might be worth a rewatch. It’s a good episode anyway, with or without having seen it.

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Thanks. I’ll do that.

Makes no difference, Dead or Alive.


Julee Cruise has passed, aged 65.

Best known for the Twin Peaks theme, she also had a successful solo career and worked on many collaborations. My personal favourite is this:

Condolences to her family and friends.


I feel dumb that I thought that song was only ever an instrumental. Her vocals sounds very Lynchian so its somewhat ironic they were removed for the Peak theme song.

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Amazing performance in Hard Eight, that’s how I found about him years back. Rest in peace.

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Yeah, thats the first film that comes to my mind when i see him.

Heartbreaking. Edward Lake, father of three children killed by drunk driver Marco Muzzo in 2015, committed suicide a day after Father’s Day.


A follow up to the news… :cry:

“While there was no indication that the call was directly related to mental health, the Officers who attended were appropriately made aware of Mr. Lake’s history and previous interactions,” she added, noting that due to the nature of the call, the Crisis Outreach and Support Team or the Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team did not respond to it.

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RIP Dame Deborah James