The Random Football Debate Thread

at the softball world championships in Las Vegas, there’s usually 2-3 teams from Guam there. Feisty bunch, they are!

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Bit of a random information; Mark Hughes says he had an interview at Liverpool for the job when Roy left and before Kenny came back.

It’s believable seeing as those years were our most desperate times in the modern era & we were a laughing stock of a club, and Hughsy actually had a decent stint at City from what I remember.

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Yeah, when he spoke about it, I could remember a tiny bit that Mark Hughes was sort of linked/mentioned with us. We didn’t have many managers in my time following Liverpool. But, in different times, I do remember names like Curbishley, O’Neill, Klinsmann(!), etc.


Curbishley was mentioned for every vacancy aat one point

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Even by Stevie and Carra, allegedly :see_no_evil:

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I always thought Barton was good at knitting?? Not so much netball.

Guy evidently hasn’t had a call back.

His own sister probably screens his calls.

Has Barton taken the old “I’m being cancelled” turn yet? He seems a prime candidate try and turn being a twat into a run at a seat in Parliament.

If last season is anything to go on, Bristol Rovers fans must be delighted he is gone. Whenever I went to a forum to check on Quansah’s performances they were always talking about how dogshit he is as a manager.

Seems a bit early for young Jarell to get into management, to be fair. Typical fucking Bristol.

Nah. Barton has been treading that path for a long time. I think he kept himself in check to a degree because he still hoped to carve out a career as a manager. Now, he knows that is beyond him, so he’s just going to shill and hope he gets invited on some alt-right podcasts.


Talksport might have him.

I recall in 2004 the talk was that Gerrard wanted Curbishley while Owen wanted Benitez. We got Rafa and then lil’ Mickey fucked off anyway. Just imagine how many Champions League finals we’d have got to with Curbs…

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One of the lads in work used to play at the golf course Barton’s friends and family play at.

In case anyone was wondering, they’re all cunts.


Well, that didn’t take long. He appeared on Piers Morgan Uncensored to “defend his stance”.

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He’ll be sitting down with Jordan Peterson to discuss “cancel culture” before the end of the year.


He also got it completely wrong as his criticism was something she hadn’t actually said it was what she said some players would do but not Endo in that position I put the clip in the bad pundits thread.

It was picky anyhow but the fact he made a fool of himself on it is even more so.

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Like if they were squeezing really good pundits and commentators out of jobs I’d probably think twice but evidently they are not.

They are squeezing pally cliche garbage out of jobs and though some want to replace them some are at least better than what they replaced.